Dictionary English German: bee

Translation 1 - 50 of 389  >>

English German
NOUN   a bee | bees
bee {adj} [attr.] [e.g. colony, species, allergy, hotel]
Bienen- [z. B. Volk, Art, Allergie, Hotel]
entom. T
Biene {f}
bee [Am.] [spelling bee]
Wettbewerb {m} [Rechtschreibwettbewerb]
bee [social gathering for a specific purpose] [chiefly Am.]
Arbeitskreis {m}
entom. T
zool. T
2 Words: Others
bee-friendly {adj}bienenfreundlich
bee-like {adj}bienenhaft
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (bee) honeyBienenhonig {m}
med. bee allergyBienenallergie {f}
bee beardBienenbart {m}
bee boardBienenbrett {n}
bee boardWabenpappe {f}
entom. bee breadBienenbrot {n}
constr. entom. bee brick [bee hotel]Bienenziegelstein {m} [Bienenhotel]
entom. bee coloniesBienenvölker {pl}
entom. bee colonyBienenvolk {n}
ecol. entom. bee conservationBienenschutz {m}
agr. bee cultureBienenkultur {f}
entom. bee deathBienensterben {n}
entom. bee deaths {pl}Bienensterben {n}
entom. bee eggBienenei {n}
entom. bee eggStift {m} [ugs.] [Bienenei]
biol. bee genetics [treated as sg. or pl.]Bienengenetik {f}
bee glueBienenharz {n}
bee glueKittharz {n}
bee gluePropolis {f}
bee gum [Am.]Bienennest {n} in hohlem Baumstamm
ecol. entom. bee hotelBienenhotel {n}
agr. bee houseBienenhaus {n}
agr. bee housesBienenhäuser {pl}
agr. jobs bee keeperBienenzüchter {m}
agr. jobs bee keepersBienenzüchter {pl}
bee liningBeelining {n}
bee poisonBienengift {n}
bot. bee pollinationBienenbestäubung {f}
agr. entom. gastr. bee productsBienenprodukte {pl}
entom. bee researchBienenforschung {f}
acad. entom. jobs bee researcherBienenforscher {m}
acad. entom. jobs bee researcher [female]Bienenforscherin {f}
entom. tools bee smokerSelbstraucher {m} [Bienenzucht]
agr. entom. tools bee smoker [beekeeping tool]Smoker {m} [Imkereigerät]
agr. bee society [a group of people concerned with beekeeping, etc]Bienengesellschaft {f}
agr. bee spaceBienenabstand {m} [Imkerei]
entom. bee speciesBienenart {f}
entom. bee species {pl}Bienenarten {pl}
bee stingBienenstich {m}
entom. bee swarmBienenschwarm {m}
bee venomBienengift {n}
agr. bee-hiveBienenstock {m}
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