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 | bad {adj} | 32767 schlecht |  |
 | bad {adj} | 1042 schlimm |  |
 | bad {adj} [wicked, aggressive] | 315 böse |  |
 | bad {adj} | 173 arg |  |
 | bad {adj} | 86 übel |  |
 | fin. bad {adj} | 57 nieder |  |
 | fin. bad {adj} [debt] | 57 uneinbringlich |  |
 | bad {adj} [corrupted, rotten] | 53 verdorben |  |
 | med. bad {adj} [sick] | 48 krank |  |
 | bad {adj} [weak, poor] | 48 schwach |  |
 | bad {adj} [naughty] | 42 unartig |  |
 | bad {adj} [wrong, faulty] | 33 falsch [unrichtig] |  |
 | bad {adj} [harmful, damaging] | 32 schädlich |  |
 | bad {adj} [inconvenient] | 25 unangenehm |  |
 | bad {adj} [invalid] | 25 ungültig |  |
 | bad {adj} [naughty] | 25 ungezogen |  |
 | bad {adj} [poor, cheap] | 25 ärmlich |  |
 | bad {adj} [worthless] | 22 wertlos |  |
 | bad {adj} | 21 ungut |  |
 | bad {adj} [dubious, uncertain] | 21 zweifelhaft |  |
 | bad {adj} [poor] | 21 mangelhaft |  |
 | bad {adj} [shape, layout, weather] | 20 ungünstig |  |
 | bad {adj} [dubious] | 19 dubios |  |
 | bad {adj} [impure] | 18 unrein |  |
 | bad {adj} [inadequate] | 18 unzureichend |  |
 | bad {adj} | 11 faul [verfault, verdächtig, schlecht] |  |
 | bad {adj} | 9 garstig |  |
Nouns |
 | bath | 1097 Bad {n} [Wannenbad, Badewanne] |  |
 | RealEst. bathroom | 285 Bad {n} [Badezimmer] |  |
 | med. TrVocab. spa | 73 Bad {n} [Heilbad] |  |
 | swim | 69 Bad {n} [im Meer etc.] |  |
 | bathe [Br.] | 34 Bad {n} [Schwimmen, Baden im See, Fluss oder Meer] |  |
 | bad | 24 Fehler {m} |  |
 | bad | 15 Minus {n} |  |
 | archi. hist. [bathroom integrated in kitchen or bedroom] | Frankfurter Bad {n} |  |
 | balneary [archaic] | Bad {n} [Raum] |  |
 | baths {pl} | Bad {n} [Schwimmbad] |  |
 | dip [short swim] | kurzes Bad {n} [zum Schwimmen] |  |
 | geogr. hist. Pokój | (Bad) Carlsruhe {n} [Oberschlesien] |  |
 | geogr. Radenci | Bad Radein {n} |  |
 | philos. relig. the bad | das Böse {n} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | awfully bad {adj} | sehr schlecht |  |
 | awfully bad {adj} [coll.] | sauschlecht [ugs.] |  |
 | awfully bad {adj} [coll.] | furchtbar schlecht [ugs.] |  |
 | bad enough {adj} | schlimm genug |  |
 | bad for {adj} [postpos.] [harmful for] | schädlich für [+Akk.] [nachgestellt] |  |
 | bad-ass {adj} [Am.] [sl.] | knallhart [ugs.] |  |
 | bad-looking {adj} | schlecht aussehend |  |
 | bad-mannered {adj} | rüpelhaft [pej.] |  |
 | bad-mannered {adj} | ungezogen |  |