Dictionary English German: awl headed

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zool. T
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Partial Matches
bot. T
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tools awlAhle {f}
tools awlPfriem {m}
awl-shaped {adj}ahlenförmig
tools (scratch) awlReißnadel {f}
archaeo. bone awlKnochenpfriem {m}
tools marking awlReißahle {f}
tools pricking awlVorstecher {m}
tools scratch awlMarkiernadel {f}
tools shoemaking awlSchuhmacherahle {f}
MedTech. cannulated awlkanülierte Ahle {f}
MedTech. cannulated awlkanülierter Pfriem {m}
tools pricking awlSpitzbohrer {m} [Vorstecher]
tools shoemaker's awlSchusterahle {f}
tools tailor's awlSchneiderahle {f}
tools awlOrt {m} [auch {n}] [veraltet] [Ahle]
comp. tech. instruction list <IL>Anweisungsliste {f} <AWL>
entom. T
awl-shaped {adj}wie eine Ahle geformt
hist. weapons awl pike [also: awl-pike]Ahlspieß {m}
tools scratch awlAnreißahle {f} [auch: Scratch-Ahle]
orn. T
econ. labor theory of value [Am.] <LTV>Arbeitswertlehre {f} <AWL>
entom. T
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bot. T
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entom. T
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