Dictionary English German: ausrasten

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

NOUN   das Ausrasten | -
VERB1   ausrasten | rastete aus/ausrastete | ausgerastet
VERB2   sich ausrasten | rastete sich aus/sich ausrastete | sich ausgerastet
SYNO   [sich] ausrasten [österr.] ... 
to snap [coll.] [lose self-control suddenly]
ausrasten [ugs.]
electr. tech. to unlock [e.g. fuse]
ausrasten [z. B. Sicherung]
to freak [coll.] [freak out]
ausrasten [ugs.] [die Nerven verlieren]
tech. to unlatch
ausrasten [sich durch Drehen, Schieben aus einer Verbindung lösen]
to unleash one's furyausrasten [die Nerven verlieren] [ugs.]
engin. to be releasedausrasten [Maschinenbau]
to click out [Am.] [sl.] [rare] [to become enraged]ausrasten [ugs.]
to flip (out) [coll.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to go ballistic [coll.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to go berserk [coll.]ausrasten [ugs.]
to go off [Am.] [sl.] [idiom] [to lose self-control]ausrasten [ugs.]
to go spare [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to lose it [coll.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to blow one's lid [coll.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to chuck a hissy [sl.] [Am.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to flip one's lid [coll.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to have a cow [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to have a hissy [sl.] [Am.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to lose one's rag [Br.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to throw a hissy [sl.] [Am.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to freak out [coll.]ausrasten [ugs.] [die Nerven verlieren]
to go apeshit [sl.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.] [durchdrehen, die Nerven verlieren]
to go postal [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [to become uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence]ausrasten [ugs.] [durchdrehen, die Nerven verlieren]
to go ape shit [vulg.] [spv.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.] [durchdrehen, die Nerven verlieren]
to go ape-shit [vulg.] [spv.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.] [durchdrehen, die Nerven verlieren]
to pitch a fit [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.] [einen Wutanfall bekommen]
to throw a wobbly [coll.] [Br.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.] [einen Wutanfall bekommen]
electr. tech. unlocking
Ausrasten {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to fly off the handle [coll.] [idiom](plötzlich) ausrasten [ugs.]
to rest (oneself)(sichAkk.) ausrasten [südd.] [österr.] [ausruhen]
to go nuts [coll.] [idiom] [become very angry]total ausrasten [ugs.] [wütend werden]
3 Words: Verbs
to go crazy [coll.] [idiom] [become enraged](total / völlig) ausrasten [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
tech. engagement and disengagementEin- und Ausrasten {n}
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