Dictionary English German: attic

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

English German
ADJ   Attic | more Attic | most Attic
NOUN   an attic | attics
SYNO   attic | garret | loft | bean ... 
hist. Attic {adj}
archi. RealEst. attic {adj} [attr.] [e.g. apartment, floor, room, window]
Dach- [z. B. Wohnung, Geschoss, Zimmer, Fenster]
RealEst. attic
Dachboden {m}
archi. attic
Dachgeschoss {n} <DG>
archi. attic
Mansarde {f}
archi. attic
Dachgeschoß {n} <DG> [südd.] [österr.] [sonst alt für Dachgeschoss]
archi. attic
Attika {f}
archi. attic
Speicher {m} [Dachboden]
archi. attic
Dachkammer {f}
archi. attic
Boden {m} [Kurzform für 'Dachboden']
archi. attic
Estrich {m} [schweiz.] [österr.] [Dachboden]
archi. attic [underneath a pitched roof]
Spitzboden {m}
archi. attic
Dachstock {m}
archi. attic
Dachraum {m}
archi. attic
Überbau {m}
archi. atticDachstube {f}
archi. atticSöller {m} [regional] [Dachboden]
archi. atticWinde {f} [schweiz.] [Dachboden]
anat. attic [Recessus epitympanicus]Atticus {m} [Rsv., fachspr.]
anat. attic [Recessus epitympanicus]Attikraum {m} [selten] [kuppelartige Ausbuchtung an der Decke der Paukenhöhle]
anat. attic [Recessus epitympanicus]Attikus {m}
2 Words: Others
art hist. Neo-Attic {adj}neuattisch
2 Words: Nouns
RealEst. attic (room)Bodenkammer {f} [regional]
RealEst. attic (room)Bodenraum {m} [Dachkammer]
archi. attic (room)Mansarde {f}
tech. RadioTV attic antenna [Am.]Dachbodenantenne {f}
archi. RealEst. attic apartmentDachwohnung {f}
med. attic cholesteatomaPerlgeschwulst {f} im Kuppelraum
attic compartmentEstrichabteil {n} [schweiz.]
attic findDachbodenfund {m}
archi. RealEst. attic flat [esp. Br.]Dachgeschosswohnung {f}
attic flat [esp. Br.]Dachwohnung {f}
archi. RealEst. attic flat [esp. Br.]Mansardenwohnung {f}
archi. attic floorDachgeschoss {n} <DG>
ling. Attic Greekattisches Griechisch {n}
constr. attic insulationDachbodendämmung {f}
attic ladderDachbodenleiter {f}
archi. attic roomDachjuchhe {n} [ugs.]
archi. attic roomDachjuhe {n} [ugs.] [Rsv.]
RealEst. attic roomDachkammer {f}
RealEst. attic roomDachstube {f} [regional: Dachkammer]
RealEst. attic roomDachzimmer {n}
RealEst. attic roomMansardenzimmer {n}
hist. philos. Attic Schoolattische Schule {f}
archi. constr. attic stairs {pl}Dachtreppe {f}
archi. constr. attic storey [Br.]Dachstockwerk {n}
archi. constr. attic story [Am.]Dachgeschoss {n} <DG>
archi. constr. attic windowDachbodenfenster {n}
archi. constr. attic windowDachfenster {n}
3 Words: Others
in the attic {adv}im Dachgeschoss
in the attic {adv}auf dem Dachboden
in the attic {adv}auf dem Speicher [Dachboden]
3 Words: Nouns
constr. (folding) attic stairs {pl}Bodentreppe {f} [Einschubtreppe]
constr. (folding) attic stairs {pl}Einschiebetreppe {f}
constr. (folding) attic stairs {pl}Einschubtreppe {f}
constr. (folding) attic stairs {pl}Falttreppe {f} [Einschubtreppe]
constr. (folding) attic stairs {pl}Schiebetreppe {f} [Einschubtreppe]
constr. foldable attic stairs {pl}klappbare Dachbodentreppe {f}
archi. RealEst. little attic roomDachstübchen {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to clear out the atticdie Dachkammer ausräumen
to fit out the atticden Speicher ausbauen [Dachboden]
4 Words: Nouns
archi. constr. attic with knee wallsDrempelgeschoss {n}
junk in the atticSpeichergerümpel {n} [Gerümpel am Dachboden]
5+ Words: Verbs
to clear up in the atticauf dem Dachboden aufräumen
to have toys in the attic [idiom]nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Flowers in the Attic [novel: Virginia Cleo Andrews; film: Jeffrey Bloom]Blumen der Nacht
film F Man in the Attic [Hugo Fregonese]Der unheimliche Untermieter
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