Dictionary English German: arterial

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

English German
ADJ   arterial | more arterial | most arterial
NOUN   an arterial | arterials
anat. med. arterial {adj}
anat. med. arterial {adj}
anat. med. arterial {adj}eine Hauptader betreffend
anat. med. arterial {adj} [e.g. cannula, elasticity, ligation, network, plaque, wall]Arterien- [z. B. Kanüle, Elastizität, Ligatur, Netz, Ablagerungen, Wand]
traffic arterial [through street]Durchfahrtsstraße {f}
traffic arterial [through street]Durchfahrtstraße {f} [Rsv.]
2 Words: Others
anat. biol. zool. intra-arterial {adj}intraarteriell
2 Words: Nouns
med. arterial bloodArterienblut {n}
med. arterial bloodarterielles Blut {n} <aB>
med. arterial cannulaArterienkanüle {f} [auch: Arterien-Kanüle]
anat. biol. arterial capillaryarterielle Kapillare {f}
med. MedTech. arterial catheterarterieller Katheter {m}
med. MedTech. arterial clipArterienklemme {f}
med. arterial elasticity <AE>Arterienelastizität {f}
med. arterial embolismsarterielle Embolien {pl}
med. MedTech. arterial forceps {pl} [one pair]Arterienklemme {f} [mit Branchen und Ringen]
med. arterial graftarterielles Transplantat {n}
med. arterial haemorrhage <AH> [Br.]arterielle Blutung {f}
med. arterial hemorrhage <AH> [Am.]arterielle Blutung {f}
traffic arterial highway [Am.]Ausfallstraße {f}
med. arterial hypertension <AH>arterielle Hypertonie {f} <AH>
med. arterial infusion <AI>arterielle Infusion {f}
med. arterial injuryArterienverletzung {f} [arterielle Verletzung]
med. arterial ligationArterienligatur {f}
med. arterial ligationArterienunterbindung {f}
arterial lossTeilschaden {m}
arterial lossTeilverlust {m}
anat. arterial networkArteriennetz {n}
med. arterial occlusionarterieller Verschluss {m}
med. arterial oxygenation <SaO2>arterielle Sauerstoffsättigung {f} <SaO2>
med. arterial plaque {sg}Arterienablagerungen {pl}
med. arterial pressureArteriendruck {m}
med. arterial pressure <AP>arterieller Blutdruck {m}
med. arterial prosthesisArterienprothese {f}
med. arterial pulseArterienpuls {m}
traffic arterial roadAusfallstraße {f}
traffic arterial roadFernstraße {f}
traffic arterial roadHauptverkehrsstraße {f}
traffic arterial roadVerkehrsader {f}
traffic arterial roadsHauptstraßen {pl}
med. arterial stiffnessArteriensteifigkeit {f}
med. arterial stiffnessarterielle Gefäßsteifigkeit {f}
med. arterial stiffnessarterielle Steifigkeit {f}
med. arterial thrombosis <AT>arterielle Thrombose {f}
anat. arterial treeArterienbaum {m}
med. arterial ulcerarterielles Geschwür {n}
anat. arterial wallArterienwand {f}
3 Words: Nouns
med. arterial blood pressure <ABP>arterieller Blutdruck {m}
med. MedTech. arterial input function <AIF>arterielle Inputfunktion {f} <AIF>
med. arterial leg ulcer [Ulcus cruris arteriosum]arterielles Unterschenkelgeschwür {n}
med. arterial leg ulcer [Ulcus cruris arteriosum]arterielles Ulcus cruris {n} [ugs. auch {m}: arterieller Ulcus cruris]
med. arterial line placementArterienkatheter {m}
med. arterial oxygen saturation <SaO2>arterielle Sauerstoffsättigung {f} <SaO2>
med. MedTech. arterial spin labeling <ASL> [Am.]arterielle Spinmarkierung {f}
med. MedTech. arterial spin labelling <ASL> [Br.]arterielle Spinmarkierung {f}
med. arterial stiffness index <ASI>Arterien-Starre-Index {m} <ASI>
anat. cerebral arterial circle <CAC> [Circulus arteriosus cerebri]Arterienring {m} des Gehirns
med. hepatic arterial infusion <HAI, HA infusion>hepato-arterielle Infusion {f} <HAI, HA-Infusion>
med. occlusive arterial diseasesarterielle Verschlusskrankheiten {pl}
med. peripheral arterial disease <PAD>periphere Arterienerkrankung {f}
med. peripheral arterial disease <PAD>periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit {f} <pAVK, PAVK>
med. peripheral arterial disease <PAD>periphere arterielle Verschlußkrankheit {f} <pAVK, PAVK> [alt]
med. pulmonary arterial hypertension <PAH>pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie {f} <PAH>
med. pulmonary arterial pressure <PAP>Pulmonalarteriendruck {m} <PAD>
med. MedTech. venous-arterial ECMO <VA-ECMO>venös-arterielle ECMO {f} <VA-ECMO>
4 Words: Nouns
med. arterial retinal branch occlusion [also: retinal arterial branch occlusion]retinaler Arterienastverschluss {m} <retinaler AAV> [Augenheilkunde]
med. arterial stiffness index measurement <ASI measurement>Arterienstarreindexmessung {f} <ASI-Messung>
med. chronic pulmonary arterial hypertension <CPAH>chronische pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie {f} <CPAH>
med. idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension <IPAH>idiopathische pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie {f} <IPAH>
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