Dictionary English German: army

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NOUN   an army | armies
SYNO   Army | U. S. Army | US Army | USA ... 
mil. army {adj} [attr.]
mil. army {adj} [attr.] [e.g. group, reform, aviator]
Heeres- [z. B. Gruppe, Reform, Flieger]
mil. army [also fig.: of the unemployed, of ants, etc.]
Armee {f} [auch fig.: von Arbeitslosen, von Ameisen etc.]
mil. army [also fig.: of photographers, of ants, etc.]
Heer {n} [auch fig.: von Fotografen, von Ameisen etc.]
mil. army
Streitmacht {f}
mil. Army
Militär {n}
mil. army
Kommiss {m} [ugs.]
mil. army
Landstreitkräfte {pl}
mil. army
Barras {m} [ugs.] [Militär]
army [usually: the army] [the military ground forces of a nation]
Landstreitmacht {f} [veraltend] [Landstreitkräfte]
2 Words: Others
army-style {adj} [weapon, knife, gun, etc.]Armee- [Waffe, Messer, Gewehr etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
mil. pol. alliance armyBündnisarmee {f}
mil. pol. allied armyBündnisarmee {f}
Amazon armyAmazonenheer {n}
Amazonian army [army of Amazons]Amazonenheer {n}
mil. army affairs {pl}Heereswesen {n}
mil. army affairs {pl}Heerwesen {n}
aviat. mil. army aircraftArmeeflugzeug {n}
mil. Army AviationHeeresfliegertruppe {f}
aviat. mil. army aviatorHeeresflieger {m}
mil. mus. army band [German Armed Forces]Heeresmusikkorps {n} <HMK> [Bundeswehr]
army blanketArmeedecke {f}
cloth. mil. army bootsKampfstiefel {pl}
mil. army bootsKommissstiefel {pl}
cloth. mil. army bootsKommißstiefel {pl} [alt]
cloth. mil. army bootsMarschschuhe {pl} [schweiz.]
army brat [coll.]Soldatenkind {n}
army brat [coll.]Kind {n} aus einer Soldatenfamilie
army breadKommißbrot {n} [alt] [veraltend oder regional]
gastr. mil. army breadKommissbrot {n} [veraltend oder regional]
army buildingArmeegebäude {n}
mil. army campHeereslager {n}
mil. army campHeerlager {n}
mil. army chaplainFeldgeistlicher {m} [veraltend]
mil. army chaplainFeldkurat {m} [österr.] [veraltet]
jobs mil. relig. army chaplainFeldprediger {m} [altertümlich]
jobs mil. relig. army chaplainKriegsgeistlicher {m}
mil. army chiefArmeechef {m}
cloth. army clothesArmeeklamotten {pl} [ugs.]
cloth. mil. army coatArmeemantel {m}
mil. army collegeKriegsschule {f}
mil. army commandArmeeführung {f}
mil. army commandHeeresführung {f}
mil. army commanderHeeresführer {m}
econ. mil. army contractorArmeelieferant {m}
comm. mil. army contractorHeereslieferant {m}
mil. army corpsArmeekorps {n} <AK>
mil. army days {pl}Militärzeit {f}
army days {pl} [time served in the military]Armeezeit {f}
mil. army depotHeeresgerätepark {m}
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