| English  | German |  |
| – |
 | to appreciate sb./sth. | 10321 jdn./etw. würdigen |  |
 | to appreciate | 5971 schätzen [hochschätzen] |  |
 | to appreciate | 2618 anerkennen |  |
 | to appreciate sth. | 1020 etw.Akk. begrüßen [gutheißen] |  |
 | to appreciate | 888 hochschätzen |  |
 | to appreciate | 820 honorieren [würdigen] |  |
 | to appreciate [be aware of] | 800 wahrnehmen |  |
 | to appreciate [understand] | 714 verstehen |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [assess, judge] | 641 etw. bewerten |  |
 | to appreciate [assess, appraise] | 633 abschätzen |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [understand] | 603 etw. einsehen |  |
 | econ. to appreciate [in value] | 505 aufwerten |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [be grateful for] | 457 etw. anerkennen |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [enjoy] | 451 etw. genießen |  |
 | to appreciate [to correctly estimate value] | 439 einschätzen |  |
 | spec. to appreciate sth. [feelings of others] | 417 etw. anempfinden [geh.] |  |
 | to appreciate [understand] | 409 erfassen [einsehen] |  |
 | to appreciate [evaluate] | 381 auswerten |  |
 | to appreciate [understand] | 364 ermessen [begreifen] |  |
 | to appreciate [enjoy] | 360 gernhaben |  |
 | to appreciate sb./sth. | 333 jdn./etw. wertschätzen |  |
 | to appreciate | 317 gustieren [goutieren] |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [value highly] | 252 etw. goutieren [geh.] [gutheißen, zustimmen] |  |
 | to appreciate sth. | 74 etw. würdigen [wertschätzen] |  |
 | to appreciate | hoch schätzen |  |
 | econ. to appreciate | Wert steigern |  |
 | econ. to appreciate | an Wert gewinnen / zunehmen |  |
 | to appreciate [be grateful] | dankbar sein (für) |  |
 | to appreciate [enjoy] | gern haben [alt] |  |
 | to appreciate sth. | etw.Akk. apprezieren [selten] [veraltet] |  |
 | to appreciate sth. | etw. zu schätzen wissen |  |
 | to appreciate sth. | etw. zu würdigen wissen |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [be aware of] | sichDat. etw.Gen. bewusst sein |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [be receptive of] | an etw.Dat. Gefallen finden |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [correctly estimate value or worth of sth.] | etw. richtig einschätzen |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [set great store by sth.] | auf etw.Akk. Wert legen [Redewendung] |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [understand] | Verständnis für etw. haben |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to appreciate colours [Br.] | Farben schätzen |  |
 | to appreciate quality | Qualität schätzen |  |
 | to appreciate sb.'s merits | jds. Verdienste würdigen |  |
 | to appreciate sounds | Töne schätzen |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | I'd appreciate that ... [Br.] | Ich würde es begrüßen, dass ... |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to appreciate (in value) | im Wert steigen |  |
 | fin. to appreciate a currency | eine Währung aufwerten |  |
 | to appreciate in value | an Wert gewinnen |  |
 | to appreciate that / what | verstehen, dass / was |  |
 | to appreciate the dangers [be aware of the dangers] | sichDat. der Gefahren bewusst sein |  |
 | to come to appreciate | schätzenlernen [alt] |  |
 | to come to appreciate sb./sth. | jdn./etw. schätzen lernen |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | ... which you will appreciate | was Sie schätzen werden [formelle Anrede] |  |
 | ... which you will appreciate | welches Sie schätzen werden [geh.] [veraltend] [formelle Anrede] |  |
 | I appreciate your concern. | Ich weiß deine Bedenken zu schätzen. |  |
 | I really appreciate it. | Ich weiß es wirklich zu schätzen. |  |
 | I'd really appreciate that. | Das wäre sehr nett von dir. |  |
 | market. We appreciate your business. [Thank you for shopping with us.] | Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf. |  |
 | market. We appreciate your business. [Thank you for visiting us.] | Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch. |  |
 | We really appreciate that! | Wir wissen das sehr zu schätzen! |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | fin. to appreciate against the Euro | gegenüber dem Euro aufwerten |  |
 | to appreciate the value of sth. | den Wert von etw.Dat. schätzen [wertschätzen] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | I appreciate your faith in me. | Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen (in mich). |  |
 | I can appreciate your feelings for him. | Ich kann gut nachempfinden, was Sie für ihn empfinden. [formelle Anrede] |  |
 | I would appreciate it if ... | Ich wäre Ihnen dankbar, wenn ... |  |
 | idiom I would really appreciate that. | Das wäre mir wirklich sehr lieb. |  |
 | I'd also appreciate it if ... | Ich wäre Ihnen auch sehr dankbar, wenn ... |  |
 | I'm unable to appreciate modern music. | Ich finde keinen Zugang zu moderner Musik. |  |
 | Thank you, I appreciate it. | Vielen Dank, sehr nett von Ihnen. |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to appreciate at its true value | den wahren Wert würdigen |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | med. inability to appreciate the weight (of objects) [baragnosis, abarognosis] | Unfähigkeit {f} zur Gewichtsschätzung |  |