| English | German  |  |
– | |
 | sophisticated {adj} [high-class, highbrow] | 5659 anspruchsvoll [Lektüre etc.] |  |
 | demanding {adj} | 5055 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | ambitious {adj} [target, project, etc.] | 2136 anspruchsvoll [Ziel, Projekt etc.] |  |
 | discerning {adj} [customer etc.] | 1946 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | fastidious {adj} [e.g. microorganisms] | 1196 anspruchsvoll [z. B. Bakterienkulturen] |  |
 | challenging {adj} [sophisticated] | 1154 anspruchsvoll [Aufgaben, Unternehmungen, Spiele etc.] |  |
 | highbrow {adj} [tastes, music, author] | 1064 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | exacting {adj} | 694 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | dainty {adj} [fastidious] | 536 anspruchsvoll [wählerisch, verwöhnt] |  |
 | upmarket {adj} {adv} [Br.] | 437 anspruchsvoll [z. B. Produkt, Ware] |  |
 | pretentious {adj} | 290 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | taxing {adj} | 201 anspruchsvoll [physisch oder geistig] |  |
 | discriminating {adj} | 153 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | fastidiously {adv} | 133 anspruchsvoll [wählerisch] |  |
 | pretentiously {adv} | 41 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | rarified {adj} {past-p} [spv. of rarefied] [elevated in style] | 36 anspruchsvoll [Stil] |  |
 | sophisticatedly {adv} | 19 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | exactingly {adv} | 10 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | high-minded {adj} [critics] | anspruchsvoll |  |
 | high-toned {adj} [aspiring to high standards] | anspruchsvoll |  |
 | up-market {adj} | anspruchsvoll |  |
 | hard to please {adj} | anspruchsvoll [schwer zufriedenzustellen] |  |
2 Words |
 | sports hard-running {adj} | läuferisch anspruchsvoll |  |