Dictionary English German: amounting

Translation 1 - 10 of 10

English German
VERB  to amount | amounted | amounted
amounting | amounts
amounting {adj} {pres-p}
2 Words
amounting to {adj}ausmachend
amounting to {adj}betragend
amounting to {adj}hinauslaufend auf
amounting to {prep}in Höhe [+Gen.]
amounting to {adj}sich belaufend auf
amounting to {adj} [postpos.]in Höhe von <i. H. v.> [nachgestellt]
3 Words
amounting to billions {adv}in Milliardenhöhe
amounting to millions {adv}in Millionenhöhe
4 Words
damage {sg} amounting to millionsMillionenschäden {pl}
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