Dictionary English German: ambulante

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

ADJ  ambulant | - | -
ambulanter | ambulante | ambulantes
psych. outpatient / outpatients treatment for medically ill alcoholicsambulante Alkoholtherapie {f}
med. [outpatient or non-hospital treatment]ambulante Behandlung {f}
med. ambulatory treatmentambulante Behandlung {f}
med. outpatient treatmentambulante Behandlung {f}
med. ambulant treatment [rare]ambulante Behandlung {f} [in einer Klinik]
med. outpatient careambulante Betreuung {f}
med. ambulant flat rate paymentambulante Fallpauschale {f}
travelling vendorsambulante Händler {pl}
home nurse [female] [visits patients in their home]ambulante Krankenpflegerin {f}
med. ambulatory recordingambulante Messung {f} [z. B. Blutdruck]
med. ambulatory surgeryambulante Operation {f}
med. day surgeryambulante Operation {f}
med. outpatient surgeryambulante Operation {f}
med. same-day surgeryambulante Operation {f}
med. outpatient [female]ambulante Patientin {f}
med. ambulatory patient [female]ambulante Patientin {f}
med. ambulatory careambulante Pflege {f}
med. home careambulante Pflege {f}
med. home care nursing serviceambulante Pflege {f}
med. ambulant rehabilitationambulante Rehabilitation {f}
med. ambulant X-ray diagnosisambulante Röntgendiagnostik {f}
med. ambulatory sleep diagnosticsambulante Schlafdiagnostik {f}
med. outpatient sleep diagnosticsambulante Schlafdiagnostik {f}
med. outpatient wardambulante Station {f}
med. day wardambulante Tagesstation {f}
med. ambulatory careambulante Versorgung {f}
4 Words
med. ambulatory blood pressure monitoring <ABPM>ambulante 24-Stunden-Blutdrucküberwachung {f}
spec. medical streetworkaufsuchende (ambulante) medizinische Versorgung {f} [Medical-Streetwork]
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