Dictionary English German: alpine

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ADJ   alpine | more alpine | most alpine
NOUN   alpine | alpines
ADJ  alpin | - | -
alpiner | alpine | alpines
alpine {adj}
biol. geogr. Alpine {adj}
geogr. Alpine {adj}
alpine {adj}Alpin-
Alpine {adj} [of/pertaining to/on or part of the Alps]alpin
2 Words: Others
(high) alpine {adj}hochalpin
geol. Alpine / alpine {adj}alpidisch
alpine-white {adj}alpinweiß
geogr. inner Alpine {adj} [referring to the European Alps]inneralpin
geogr. northern Alpine {adj}nordalpin
peri-alpine {adj}perialpin
peri-Alpine {adj} [referring to the European Alps]perialpin
geogr. pre-alpine {adj}Voralpen-
geogr. pre-alpine {adj}voralpin
2 Words: Nouns
climbing alpine accidentsBergunfälle {pl}
agr. geogr. Alpine agricultureAlmwirtschaft {f}
alpine airHöhenluft {f}
Alpine altitudesalpine Höhen {pl}
climbing Internet alpine blogAlpinblog {m} {n} [auch: Alpin-Blog]
cloth. alpine bootsBergschuhe {pl}
alpine brookGebirgsbach {m}
alpine cabinAlmhütte {f}
geogr. Alpine canton [also: alpine canton]Alpenkanton {m}
RealEst. travel Alpine chaletAlmhaus {n} [Almhütte]
Alpine chaletAlmhütte {f}
alpine climateHochgebirgsklima {n}
climbing alpine climberBergsteiger {m}
climbing alpine climbingBergsteigen {n}
climbing Alpine ClubAlpenklub {m}
climbing alpine clubGebirgsverein {m}
alpine coaster [summer toboggan]Sommerrodelbahn {f}
sports alpine combinationalpine Kombination {f}
Alpine ConventionAlpenkonvention {f}
mil. Alpine Corps [Imperial German Army]Alpenkorps {n}
geogr. Alpine countriesAlpenländer {pl}
alpine countryAlpenland {n}
Alpine crossingAlpenübergang {m}
Alpine dairiesSennereien {pl}
agr. Alpine dairyAlpenmolkerei {f}
agr. Alpine dairySennerei {f}
agr. Alpine dairymaidSennin {f} [Sennerin]
geogr. Alpine divideAlpenhauptkamm {m}
curr. hist. alpine dollar [Austrian schilling]Alpendollar {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
Alpine dwellerAlpenbewohner {m}
Alpine dweller [female]Alpenbewohnerin {f}
ecol. alpine ecologyÖkologie {f} oberhalb der Baumgrenze
econ. Alpine economyAlpwirtschaft {f}
climbing alpine equipmentAlpinausrüstung {f}
agr. Alpine farmAlpwirtschaft {f}
agr. Alpine farmerAlmwirt {m}
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