Dictionary English German: alms

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
NOUN   alms | alms
hist. alms
Almosen {pl}
almsmilde Gaben {pl}
2 Words
to beg almsum Almosen bitten
to collect almsAlmosen sammeln
to give almsAlmosen geben
alms basketAlmosenkorb {m}
alms boxAlmosenbüchse {f}
relig. alms boxOpferbüchse {f}
alms collectorAlmosensammler {m}
alms dishOpferteller {m}
alms giverAlmosenspender {m}
hist. alms houseArmenhaus {n}
hist. alms office [also: alms-office]Almosenamt {n}
hist. law alms ordinance [capitalized as the title of a specific ordinance]Almosenordnung {f}
alms plateAlmosenteller {m}
hist. alms purseAlmosenbeutel {m}
alms-basketAlmosenkorb {m}
alms-dealingVerteilung {f} von Almosen
3 Words
to ask for almsum Almosen bitten
to beg for almsum Almosen bitten
to live on almsvon Almosen leben
med. Alstrom-Halgren syndrome <ALMS>Alström-Syndrom {n} <AS>
collection of almsSammlung {f} von Almosen
5+ Words
Your alms are asked for.Um Ihre Almosen wird gebeten.
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