Dictionary English German: aller

Translation 1 - 50 of 262  >>

PRON   aller | alle | alles | alle
very {adv} [absolutely]
single {adj} [e.g. single greatest achievement]
aller- [z. B. allergrößte Leistung]
single most {adv} {adj} [e.g. single most important]aller- [z. B. allerwichtigste]
2 Words: Others
... ever... aller Zeiten
of every description {adv}aller Art
of every kind {adv}aller Art
of all kinds {adj} [postpos.]aller Art [nachgestellt]
of all persuasions {adj} [postpos.]aller Couleur [nachgestellt]
of all stripes {adj} [postpos.] [Am.] [of all types]aller Couleur [nachgestellt]
of all timealler Zeit
of all timealler Zeiten
2 Words: Nouns
all eyesaller Augen {pl}
relig. final reconciliation [apokatastasis]Wiederbringung {f} aller
3 Words: Others
deducting all chargesabzüglich aller Gebühren
most likely {adv}aller Voraussicht nach
in all probability {adv}aller Voraussicht nach
in all likelihood {adv}aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach
in all probability {adv}aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach
chances are that ...aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach ...
Odds are (that) ...Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach ...
There's every likelihood that ...Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach ...
from around the world {adv}aus aller Welt
from throughout the world {adv}aus aller Welt
from all over the world {adv}aus aller Welt
travel from all round the world {adv}aus aller Welt
devoid of all reason {adj} [postpos.]bar aller Vernunft [nachgestellt]
with all due modesty {adv}bei aller Bescheidenheit
in spite of all (the) differences {adv}bei aller Gegensätzlichkeit
much as I'd like tobei aller Liebe
much as I sympathize {adv}bei aller Liebe [Redewendung]
with the best will in the world {adv} [idiom]bei aller Liebe [Redewendung]
with the best will in the world {adv}bei aller Sympathie
in spite of every precaution being taken {adv}bei aller Vorsicht
including any taxeseinschließlich aller Abgaben
including any export dutieseinschließlich aller Exportabgaben
all charges includedeinschließlich aller Gebühren
including any feeseinschließlich aller Gebühren
including any chargeseinschließlich aller Kosten
against all scepticism {adv} [Br.]entgegen aller Skepsis
against all skepticism {adv} [Am.]entgegen aller Skepsis
biggest-ever ...größte ... aller Zeiten
in everyone's interestim Interesse aller
with sincerity {adv}in aller Aufrichtigkeit
in all honesty and sincerity {adv}in aller Aufrichtigkeit [Redewendung]
at great length {adv}in aller Ausführlichkeit
in fulsome detail {adv}in aller Ausführlichkeit
in great detail {adv}in aller Ausführlichkeit
idiom in all modesty {adv}in aller Bescheidenheit
in no uncertain terms {adv}in aller Deutlichkeit
with honesty {adv}in aller Ehrlichkeit
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