Dictionary English German: algebraische

Translation 1 - 18 of 18

ADJ  algebraisch | - | -
algebraischer | algebraische | algebraisches
math. algebraic functionalgebraische Funktion {f}
acad. math. algebraic geometryalgebraische Geometrie {f}
math. algebraic equationalgebraische Gleichung {f}
math. algebraic groupalgebraische Gruppe {f}
math. algebraic closurealgebraische Hülle {f}
math. algebraic field extensionalgebraische Körpererweiterung {f}
math. algebraic curvealgebraische Kurve {f}
math. algebraic solutionalgebraische Lösung {f}
math. algebraic surfacealgebraische Oberfläche {f}
algebraic languagealgebraische Sprache {f}
algebraic structurealgebraische Struktur {f}
algebraic sumalgebraische Summe {f}
math. algebraic topologyalgebraische Topologie {f}
math. algebraic varietyalgebraische Varietät {f}
math. algebraic numberalgebraische Zahl {f}
math. algebraic number theoryalgebraische Zahlentheorie {f}
3 Words
math. surdirrationale algebraische Zahl {f}
linear algebraic equationlineare algebraische Gleichung {f}
» See 2 more translations for algebraische within comments
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