Dictionary English German: adapted

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
VERB  to adapt | adapted | adapted ... 
SYNO   adapted | altered
adapted {adj} {past-p}
adapted {adj} {past-p}
adapted {adj} {past-p}
adapted {adj} {past-p}
adapted {adj} {past-p}
adapted {adj} {past-p}
adapted {adj} {past-p}
angepaßt [alt]
philat. spec. adapted {adj} {past-p} [special philatelic term]aptiert <apt.> [fachspr., z. B. in der Philatelie bzw. veraltet]
sb. adaptedjd. passte an
2 Words: Others
adapted for {prep}abgestimmt auf [+Akk.]
adapted for {adj}geeignet für
adapted from {prep} [e.g. a film adapted from a novel by ...]nach [+Dat.] [z. B. ein Film nach einem Roman von ...]
adapted to {adj}geeignet für
dark-adapted {adj}an die Dunkelheit angepasst
disabled-adapted {adj}behindertengerecht
function-adapted {adj}funktionsangepasst
more adapted {adj}angepasster
most adapted {adj}angepassteste
peculiarly adapted {adj}besonders geeignet
until sb. adaptedbis jd. anpasste
2 Words: Nouns
mus. adapted melodyübernommene Melodie {f}
adapted variantsangepasste Varianten {pl}
3 Words: Others
adapted and abridged {adj}angepasst und gekürzt
adapted to circumstances {adj} [postpos.]den Umständen angepasst
freely adapted fromfrei nach
well adapted forgut angepasst für
3 Words: Verbs
to be adapted forgeeignet sein für
3 Words: Nouns
dent. adapted condylar positionadaptierte Kondylenposition {f}
4 Words: Others
adapted for the radio {adj} [postpos.]bearbeitet für das Radio [nachgestellt]
adapted to its purposedem Zweck angepasst
adapted to its purposedem Zweck angepaßt [alt]
adapted to run efficientlyleistungsorientiert angepasst
adapted to safari work {adj} [postpos.]umgestellt für Safari-Arbeit [nachgestellt]
sth. has / had adapted itselfetw. hat / hatte sich angepasst
sth. has / had adapted itselfetw. hat / hatte sich angepaßt [alt]
4 Words: Nouns
psych. co-adapted meme complexkoadaptiver Mem-Komplex {m}
5+ Words: Others
adapted from a French comedy {adj} [postpos.]nach einer französischen Komödie [nachgestellt]
film lit. theatre adapted from a novel by ... {adv}nach einem Roman von ...
adapted to fit the needsden Bedürfnissen angepasst
adapted to the needs of the disabled {adj} [postpos.]behindertengerecht
adapted to the new conditionsangepasst an die neuen Bedingungen
5+ Words: Nouns
med. WHO-adapted prognostic scoring system <WPSS>WHO-adaptierter Prognosescore {m} für MDS
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