Dictionary English German: acre

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NOUN1   an acre | acres
NOUN2   Acre | -
SYNO   Accho | Acre | Akka | Akko
NOUN   der Acre | die Acres/Acre
unit acre <a.> [4840 square yards]
[43560 Quadratfuß, 4047 qm]
agr. unit acre <a.> [4840 square yards]
Acker {m} [veraltet, Flächenmaß, ca. 4047 m²]
unit acre [4840 square yards]
Acre {m} [ca. 4047 m²]
geogr. Acre [city in Israel]
Akkon {n}
2 Words
cadastral acreKatastraljoch {n}
God's acre [archaic] [churchyard]Gottesacker {m} [geh.] [regional] [Friedhof]
3 Words
agr. yield by acreFlächenertrag {m} [Ertrag pro Acre]
agr. yield per acreFlächenertrag {m} [Ertrag pro Acre]
5+ Words
all over hell's half acre {adv} [Am.] [idiom]überall
from here to hell's half acre (and back) {adv} [idiom]bis zum Mond (und zurück) [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Death in Devil's Acre [Anne Perry]Tod in Devil's Acre
film lit. F God's Little Acre [novel: Erskine Caldwell, film: Anthony Mann]Gottes kleiner Acker
lit. F Hundred Acre Wood [Winnie-the-Pooh]Hundert-Morgen-Wald {m} [Pu der Bär]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
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