Dictionary English German: accumulated

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
VERB  to accumulate | accumulated | accumulated ... 
SYNO   accrued | accumulated
accumulated {adj} {past-p}
accumulated {adj} {past-p}
accumulated {adj} {past-p}
accumulated {adj} {past-p}
accumulated {adj} {past-p}
2 Words: Nouns
accumulated amountEndwert {m}
accumulated amountaufgelaufener Betrag {m}
accumulated capitalakkumuliertes Kapital {n}
econ. fin. accumulated deficitaufgelaufener Verlust {m}
accumulated demandNachholbedarf {m}
accumulated demandgeballte Nachfrage {f}
econ. accumulated depreciationakkumulierte Abschreibung {f}
accumulated depreciationangelaufene Abschreibungen {pl}
accumulated depreciationbisherige Abschreibung {f}
acc. accumulated depreciationkumulierte Abschreibung {f}
accumulated dividendsangelaufene Dividenden {pl}
med. accumulated doseKumulativdosis {f}
accumulated durationakkumulierte Dauer {f}
accumulated earnings {pl}nicht ausgeschütteter Gewinn {m}
accumulated erroradditiver Fehler {m}
accumulated erroraufgelaufener Fehler {m}
sports accumulated foul [in futsal]kumuliertes Foul {n} [im Futsal]
accumulated incomeGewinnvortrag {m}
accumulated incomeangesammeltes Einkommen {n}
fin. accumulated interest {sg}angefallene Zinsen {pl}
fin. accumulated interest {sg}aufgelaufene Zinsen {pl}
fin. accumulated interest {sg}sich ansammelnde Zinsen {pl}
accumulated knowledgegeballtes Wissen {n}
accumulated knowledgegesammeltes Wissen {n}
accumulated leaveangesammelter Urlaub {m}
accumulated lossBilanzverlust {m}
accumulated materialangesammeltes Material {n}
accumulated needs {pl}Nachholbedarf {m}
accumulated powergebündelte Kraft {f}
meteo. accumulated precipitationNiederschlagssumme {f}
accumulated profitGewinnvortrag {m}
accumulated profitaufgelaufener Gewinn {m}
acc. accumulated profitsBilanzgewinn {m}
fin. accumulated profitseinbehaltener Gewinn {m}
econ. accumulated reservegebildete Reserve {f}
accumulated reservesangesammelte Reserven {pl}
accumulated scraps {pl}Sammelausschuss {m}
accumulated surplusangestauter Überschuss {m}
accumulated timeakkumulierte Dauer {f}
accumulated valueEndwert {m}
accumulated wealthangesammelter Reichtum {m}
3 Words: Nouns
accumulated earnings taxKörperschaftssteuer {f} auf einbehaltene Gewinne
accumulated earnings taxKörperschaftsteuer {f} auf einbehaltene Gewinne
accumulated good-willaufgebautes Firmenansehen {n}
accumulated human knowledgeGesamtwissen {n} der Menschheit
accumulated ill-willangesammelter schlechter Ruf {m}
accumulated retained earnings {pl}Gewinnvortrag {m} aus früheren Jahren
4 Words: Nouns
accumulated knowledge of expertsgeballtes Expertenwissen {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
accumulated amount of an annuityEndwert {m} einer Rente
ecol. dangerous waste (accumulated over the years)Altlast {f} [Ökologie]
acc. statement of operations (and accumulated deficit)Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung {f} <GuV>
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