Dictionary English German: abrechnen

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

VERB   abrechnen | rechnete ab/abrechnete | abgerechnet
SYNO   abrechnen | absetzen | abziehen ... 
fin. to invoice [settle]
fin. to bill
math. to deduct
abrechnen [abziehen]
fin. to render accountabrechnen
fin. to account forabrechnen [Spesen]
2 Words
to get even (with sb.) [coll.](mit jdm.) abrechnen [ugs.]
idiom to settle a score (with sb.) [fig.](mit jdm.) abrechnen [ugs.]
fin. to cash upKasse abrechnen
comm. gastr. to do the tillKasse abrechnen
acc. to balance accountsKonten abrechnen
acc. to clear accountsKonten abrechnen
to reckon with sb.mit jdm. abrechnen
to balance accounts with sb.mit jdm. abrechnen
idiom to settle up with sb.mit jdm. abrechnen
to fix sb.'s wagon [coll.] [idiom] [get even]mit jdm. abrechnen [fig.]
to fix sb. [coll.] [get even with sb.]mit jdm. abrechnen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Vergeltung üben an jdm.]
3 Words
gastr. TrVocab. Would you like to settle your bill now? [waiter]Darf ich abrechnen? [Kellner]
comm. gastr. to balance the cashdie Kasse abrechnen
acc. to balance accountsdie Konten abrechnen
comm. gastr. to balance the day's cashdie Tageskasse abrechnen
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