Dictionary English German: above normal

Translation 1 - 50 of 607  >>

meteo. above-normal {adj}über normal [über Normal Null]
meteo. above-normal {adj}übernormal
Partial Matches
the above / above-mentioned person [female]Obengenannte {f}
the above / above-mentioned peopleObengenannte {pl}
the above / above-mentioned personObengenannter {m}
comp. beta normal form <β-normal form>Beta-Normalform {f} <β-Normalform>
normal {adj}gewöhnlich
normal {adj}konventionell
normal {adj}normal
normal {adj}normgerecht
normal {adj}regulär
normal {adj}typisch
normal {adj}üblich
math. normalNormale {f}
normal {adj} [undisguised]unverstellt
boringly normal {adj}stinknormal [ugs.]
math. completely normal {adj}vollständig normal
material mineral. monoclinic normal {adj}monoklin-prismatisch
more normal {adj}normaler
most normal {adj}normalste
normal-sized {adj}von normaler Größe [nachgestellt]
semi-normal {adj}halbwegs normal
material mineral. triclinic normal {adj}triklin-pinakoidal
to act normalsichAkk. normal verhalten
math. (surface) normalNormalenvektor {m}
new normalneue Normalität {f}
engin. normal accelerationNormalbeschleunigung {f}
normal activitynormale Tätigkeit {f}
normal adultnormaler Erwachsener {m}
normal adultNormalerwachsener {m}
aviat. meteo. tech. normal atmosphereNormalatmosphäre {f}
normal bandnormales Band {n}
tech. normal brakeWirkbremse {f} [selten]
normal caseNormalfall {m}
normal channelInstanzenweg {m}
electr. normal chargeNormalladung {f}
normal conditionüblicher Zustand {m}
normal conditionsNormalbedingungen {pl}
normal conditionsnormale Bedingungen {pl}
normal conditionsnormale Verhältnisse {pl}
chem. phys. normal conditions {pl}Normalzustand {m}
phys. normal conductorNormalleiter {m}
normal consumptionnormaler Verbrauch {m}
math. normal curveGauß'sche Glockenkurve {f}
math. normal curvegaußsche Glockenkurve {f}
math. phys. tech. normal curveNormalkurve {f}
math. normal curveNormalverteilungskurve {f}
normal deviateNormalabweichung {f}
normal deviationNormalabweichung {f}
FoodInd. normal dietNormalkost {f}
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