Dictionary English German: aber

Translation 1 - 50 of 374  >>

NOUN   das Aber | die Aber
SYNO   aber | wohl | zwar | Gewiss | aber ... 
but {conj}
though {adv} [however]
however {adv} {conj}
but for all thataber
Aber {n}
2 Words: Others
even so(aber) dennoch
even so {conj}(aber) trotzdem
but mind, ...aber bedenke, ...
Pleasure. [as an answer to: thank you]Aber bitte.
although {conj}aber dafür
but on the other hand {conj}aber dafür
but behind that ...aber dahinter ...
but yet {conj}aber dennoch
No kidding! [used to emphasize agreement]Aber echt!
Nonsense!Aber geh! [österr.] [ugs.] [Stimmt nicht!]
I'd be glad to.Aber gern.
But hey. [coll.]Aber gut.
Hell yeah! [Am.] [sl.]Aber hallo! [ugs.] [bestätigend] [Aber sicher!]
You bet. [coll.]Aber hallo. [ugs.] [bestätigend] [Darauf kannst du wetten.]
Yes, indeed!Aber ja!
But of course!Aber ja!
Yes, of course!Aber ja!
Why, yes.Aber ja.
Why, of course!Aber natürlich!
Be my guest! [coll.] [as an answer to a request]Aber natürlich! [als Antwort auf eine Bitte]
But of course.Aber natürlich.
why [expression of surprise]aber nein
No!Aber nein!
Of course not.Aber nein.
Why certainly!Aber selbstverständlich!
for shizzle {adv} [Am.] [sl.]aber sicher
You bet! [coll.]Aber sicher!
Really! [exclamation of protest]Aber, aber!
Now, now!Aber, aber!
although {conj}dafür aber
but on the other hand {conj}dafür aber
idiom But me no buts.Kein Aber!
or alternativelyoder aber
or elseoder aber
as it was [the way the situation presented itself]so aber [situationsbedingt]
but ... howeverwohl aber ...
Granted, but ...Zugegeben, aber ...
3 Words: Others
idiom ... but what of it?... aber was soll's?
..., but still ......, aber immerhin ...
... this instant. [e.g. Get out of here this instant!]..., aber schleunigst. [z. B. Mach dass du fortkommst, aber schleunigst!]
(but) even so(aber) auch so
With great pleasure!(Aber) mit Wonne!
But besides that, ...Aber abgesehen davon ...
But it was only after ...Aber erst nach ...
But it was only after ...Aber erst nachdem ...
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