| English | German  |  |
– | |
 | but {conj} | 2902 aber |  |
 | though {adv} [however] | 637 aber |  |
 | however {adv} {conj} | 437 aber |  |
 | but for all that | aber |  |
Nouns |
 | but | 10 Aber {n} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | even so | (aber) dennoch |  |
 | even so {conj} | (aber) trotzdem |  |
 | but mind, ... | aber bedenke, ... |  |
 | Pleasure. [as an answer to: thank you] | Aber bitte. |  |
 | although {conj} | aber dafür |  |
 | but on the other hand {conj} | aber dafür |  |
 | but behind that ... | aber dahinter ... |  |
 | but yet {conj} | aber dennoch |  |
 | No kidding! [used to emphasize agreement] | Aber echt! |  |
 | Nonsense! | Aber geh! [österr.] [ugs.] [Stimmt nicht!] |  |
 | I'd be glad to. | Aber gern. |  |
 | But hey. [coll.] | Aber gut. |  |
 | Hell yeah! [Am.] [sl.] | Aber hallo! [ugs.] [bestätigend] [Aber sicher!] |  |
 | You bet. [coll.] | Aber hallo. [ugs.] [bestätigend] [Darauf kannst du wetten.] |  |
 | Yes, indeed! | Aber ja! |  |
 | But of course! | Aber ja! |  |
 | Yes, of course! | Aber ja! |  |
 | Why, yes. | Aber ja. |  |
 | Why, of course! | Aber natürlich! |  |
 | Be my guest! [coll.] [as an answer to a request] | Aber natürlich! [als Antwort auf eine Bitte] |  |
 | But of course. | Aber natürlich. |  |
 | why [expression of surprise] | aber nein |  |
 | No! | Aber nein! |  |
 | Of course not. | Aber nein. |  |
 | Why certainly! | Aber selbstverständlich! |  |
 | for shizzle {adv} [Am.] [sl.] | aber sicher |  |
 | You bet! [coll.] | Aber sicher! |  |
 | Really! [exclamation of protest] | Aber, aber! |  |
 | Now, now! | Aber, aber! |  |
 | although {conj} | dafür aber |  |
 | but on the other hand {conj} | dafür aber |  |
 | idiom But me no buts. | Kein Aber! |  |
 | or alternatively | oder aber |  |
 | or else | oder aber |  |
 | as it was [the way the situation presented itself] | so aber [situationsbedingt] |  |
 | but ... however | wohl aber ... |  |
 | Granted, but ... | Zugegeben, aber ... |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | idiom ... but what of it? | ... aber was soll's? |  |
 | ..., but still ... | ..., aber immerhin ... |  |
 | ... this instant. [e.g. Get out of here this instant!] | ..., aber schleunigst. [z. B. Mach dass du fortkommst, aber schleunigst!] |  |
 | (but) even so | (aber) auch so |  |
 | With great pleasure! | (Aber) mit Wonne! |  |
 | But besides that, ... | Aber abgesehen davon ... |  |
 | But it was only after ... | Aber erst nach ... |  |
 | But it was only after ... | Aber erst nachdem ... |  |