Dictionary English German: abdominal

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ADJ   abdominal | - | -
NOUN   an abdominal | abdominals
SYNO   ab | abdominal | abdominal muscle
ADJ  abdominal | - | - ... 
SYNO   Bauch... | Unterleibs... ... 
anat. biol. VetMed. abdominal {adj}
anat. abdominal {adj}
anat. biol. zool. abdominally {adv}
abdominal <abd>
anat. biol. zool. abdominal {adj}
abdominell <abd>
anat. biol. zool. abdominal {adj}
abdominal <abd>
2 Words: Others
anat. biol. zool. intra-abdominal {adj}intraabdominal
anat. biol. zool. intra-abdominal {adj}intraabdominell
2 Words: Nouns
med. (abdominal) bloating {sg}Blähungen {pl}
med. abdominal alopeciaAbdominalglatze {f}
med. VetMed. abdominal alopeciaBauchglatze {f}
med. abdominal aneurysmabdominales Aneurysma {n}
anat. zool. abdominal aorta <AA> [Aorta abdominalis]Bauchaorta {f}
MedTech. abdominal aortographyabdominale Aortographie {f}
anat. biol. zool. abdominal areaAbdominalbereich {m}
anat. biol. zool. abdominal areaBauchregion {f}
anat. abdominal artery [Arteria abdominalis]Abdominalarterie {f}
anat. abdominal artery [Arteria abdominalis]Bauchschlagader {f}
med. abdominal bandageAbdominalverband {m}
med. abdominal bandageBauchbinde {f}
med. abdominal bandageBauchverband {m}
med. abdominal bandageLeibbinde {f}
MedTech. abdominal beltAbdominalgürtel {m} [selten] [abdominaler Gürtel]
MedTech. abdominal beltBauchgürtel {m}
med. abdominal bladeBauchdeckenhalter {m}
med. abdominal bleedingAbdominalblutung {f}
med. abdominal bleedingabdominale Blutung {f}
psych. abdominal brain [coll.] [solar plexus]Bauchhirn {n} [ugs.]
med. abdominal breathingAbdominalatmung {f}
med. abdominal breathingBauchatmung {f}
med. abdominal breathingZwerchfellatmung {f}
med. abdominal cancerBauchkrebs {m}
anat. abdominal cavityAbdominalraum {m}
anat. abdominal cavityLeibeshöhle {f}
anat. abdominal cavity [Cavitas abdominalis]Bauchhöhle {f}
anat. abdominal cavity [cavitas abdominalis]Bauchraum {m}
anat. abdominal cavity [Cavitas abdominis]Abdominalhöhle {f}
med. abdominal circumference <AC>Abdomenumfang {m} <AU>
MedTech. abdominal coilAbdominalspule {f}
med. abdominal colicAbdominalkolik {f}
med. abdominal colicMagenkolik {f}
med. abdominal crampBauchkrampf {m}
zool. abdominal ctenidiumAbdominalctenidium {n}
med. abdominal cystAbdominalzyste {f}
med. abdominal deliveryKaiserschnitt {m}
med. abdominal discomfort {sg}Bauchbeschwerden {pl}
med. abdominal diseaseBaucherkrankung {f}
med. abdominal distensionBauchauftreibung {f}
entom. abdominal dorsumAbdominaldorsum {m}
med. abdominal dropsy [ascites]Bauchwassersucht {f} [Aszites]
med. abdominal emergencyakutes Abdomen {n}
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