Dictionary English German: Wir

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NOUN   das Wir | -
SYNO   unsereiner | unsereins | wir
we {pron}
2 Words: Others
Let's go. [by car or other vehicle]Fahren wir.
Let's go!Gehen wir!
Let's sunset that! [coll.] [office jargon]Vergessen wir's!
we all {pron}wir alle
all of us {pron}wir alle
all of us {pron}wir allesamt
and so we didwir auch
So are we.Wir auch.
So do we.Wir auch.
And so are we.Wir auch.
We are sorry.Wir bedauern.
we both {pron}wir beide
both of us {pron}wir beide
you and I {pron}wir beide
the both of us {pron}wir beide
the two of us {pron}wir beide
we've [we have]wir haben
we've [we have]wir ham [ugs.] [wir haben]
we'd [we had]wir hatten
the seven of us {pron}wir sieben
we're [we are]wir sind
It's us!Wir sind's!
the four of us {pron}wir vier
we'll [we will / shall]wir werden
we'd [we would]wir würden
the two of us {pron}wir zwei
2 Words: Nouns
group identityWir-Gefühl {n}
feeling of togethernessWir-Gefühl {n}
sense of cohesivenessWir-Gefühl {n}
sense of unityWir-Gefühl {n}
sense of national identityWir-Gefühl {n} [national]
sociol. in-groupWir-Gruppe {f}
3 Words: Others
... we remain, Yours faithfully ... [esp. Br.]... verbleiben wir hochachtungsvoll ...
all of us whoalle, die wir
as we were passingals wir vorbeikamen
Let's keep it that way. [idiom]Belassen wir's dabei. [Redewendung]
Here you are!Da haben wir's!
There you are! [I told you so]Da haben wir's!
Let's drink to that.Darauf trinken wir.
Well, that's settled!Das hätten wir! [Das wäre erledigt!]
idiom That's a plan. [Am.] [coll.]Das machen wir. [werden wir tun]
Let's go places!Gehen wir bummeln! [ugs.]
Meanwhile we remain ...Inzwischen verbleiben wir ...
Do we know each other?Kennen wir uns?
idiom Let's get the show on the road. [coll.]Legen wir los! [ugs.]
Quick, let's beat it! [coll.]Los, verschwinden wir!
Let's call it a day. [coll.] [idiom]Machen wir Feierabend.
Let's get started!Packen wir's an!
say ... {adv}sagen wir mal ...
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