Dictionary English German: Winter Garden Theater

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theatre Winter Garden (Theatre) [NY City]Winter-Garden-Theater {n}
Partial Matches
archi. hort. RealEst. winter gardenWintergarten {m}
lit. theatre Theater of the Absurd [Am.]Theater {n} des Absurden
art spec. theatre Theater of Orgies and MysteriesOrgien-Mysterien-Theater {n} [Hermann Nitsch]
lit. theatre Theater of the Absurd [Am.]Absurdes Theater {n}
lit. F Sabbath's Theater [Philip Roth]Sabbaths Theater
theatre outdoor theater [Am.]Theater {n} im Freien
theatre kind of theater [Am.]Art {f} Theater
cosmet. theatre theater make-up [Am.]Theater-Schminke {f}
both in summer and in winter {adv}Sommer wie Winter
Winter (has) arrived.Der Winter hat Einzug gehalten.
to get through the winterüber den Winter kommen
dry skin in wintertrockene Haut {f} im Winter
at the approach of winter {adv}bei heranrückendem Winter
at the height of winter {adv}im tiefsten Winter
in the dead of winter {adv}im tiefsten Winter
in the dead of winter {adv}mitten im Winter
in the deep of winter {adv}im tiefsten Winter
in the depths of winter {adv}im tiefen Winter
in the depths of winter {adv}im tiefsten Winter
in the depths of winter {adv}tief im Winter
in the midst of winter {adv}mitten im Winter
winter with a lot of snowschneereicher Winter {m}
bot. T
bot. T
Winter is drawing in.Es geht auf den Winter zu.
Winter is drawing near.Es geht auf den Winter zu.
winter (bike / bicycle) commutingPendeln {n} (mit dem Fahrrad) im Winter
mycol. T
At the approach of winter ... [+past tense]Als der Winter nahte, ...
lit. quote the winter of our discontent [Shakespeare quotation]der Winter {m} unseres Missvergnügens
all the winter {adv}den ganzen Winter lang
all winter long {adv}den ganzen Winter lang
in midwinter / mid-winter {adv}mitten im Winter
Winter is setting in.Der Winter beginnt.
film F Winter Light [Ingmar Bergman]Licht im Winter
to winter [spend the winter]den Winter verbringen [z. B. in wärmeren Gefilden]
He took it up last winter.Er hat vergangenen Winter damit begonnen.
It will last out the winter.Das wird für den Winter ausreichen.
early winterfrüher Winter {m} [Winter, der früh beginnt; auch: erste Zeit des Winters]
market. Winter Essentials.Nützliches für den Winter.
deep in winter {adv}im tiefsten Winter
in early winter {adv}im frühen Winter
in late winter {adv}im späten Winter
long-reigning winterlange herrschender Winter {m}
bot. T
Falling leaves gave a premonition of coming winter.Fallendes Laub gemahnte an den kommenden Winter.
film F Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring [Kim Ki-duk]Frühling, Sommer, Herbst, Winter ... und Frühling
theatre theater [Am.]Theater {n}
winter-withered {adj}vom Winter ausgezehrt
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