Dictionary English German: Wilde

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SYNO   Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde ... 
ADJ  wild | wilder | am wildesten ... 
NOUN   der Wilde/ein Wilder | die Wilden
Wilde {pl}
savage [female]
Wilde {f}
Wilde {f}
2 Words: Nouns
bash [coll.] [party, social event](wilde) Feier {f} [Fete]
pol. non-attached member [female] [of a parliament]wilde Abgeordnete {f} [österr.]
med. chickenpox {sg}Wilde Blattern {pl} [schweiz.] [Windpocken]
ecol. unauthorised dumping [Br.]wilde Deponie {f} [das Deponieren]
ecol. unauthorised dump [Br.]wilde Deponie {f} [Mülldeponie]
law concubinage [cohabitation]wilde Ehe {f} [veraltend]
law common law marriagewilde Ehe {f} [veraltend] [konsensuale Lebensgemeinschaft]
overactive imaginationwilde Fantasie {f}
wild imaginationwilde Fantasie {f}
saturnaliawilde Feste {pl}
stampedewilde Flucht {f}
reckless hastewilde Hast {f}
myth. Wild Hunt [proper name for a genre of myth]Wilde Jagd {f}
wild youthwilde Jugend {f}
wild scenerywilde Landschaft {f}
random logicwilde Logik {f}
wild grainwilde Maserung {f} [Holz]
ecol. illegal rubbish dump [esp. Br.]wilde Müllkippe {f}
wingding [Am.] [coll.]wilde Party {f}
rowdy partywilde Party {f}
comm. wild postingwilde Plakatierung {f}
hoyden [dated]wilde Range {f} [selten {m}: wilder Range] [regional] [Mädchen]
comp. wild referencewilde Referenz {f}
tussah silkwilde Seide {f}
wild silkwilde Seide {f}
squatterswilde Siedler {pl} [illegale Siedler]
frenzied speculation {sg}wilde Spekulationen {pl}
wild speculationswilde Spekulationen {pl}
savage tribeswilde Stämme {pl}
wild tribeswilde Stämme {pl}
savage beastswilde Tiere {pl}
zool. wild animalswilde Tiere {pl}
zool. wildlifewilde Tierwelt {f}
wild ass guesswilde Vermutung {f}
bedevilmentwilde Verwirrung {f}
med. prodromal labor [Am.] {sg}wilde Wehen {pl} [ugs.] [Braxton-Hicks-Kontraktionen]
med. prodromal labour [Br.] {sg}wilde Wehen {pl} [ugs.] [Braxton-Hicks-Kontraktionen]
med. VetMed. furious rabies [encephalitic form of rabies]wilde Wut {f} [enzephalitische Tollwut]
wild timeswilde Zeiten {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
rampant ideasausschweifend wilde Ideen {pl}
super wild ass guess <SWAG>besonders wilde Vermutung {f}
idiom a little girl full of beans [coll.]eine wilde Hummel {f} [hum.] [ein lebhaftes, temperamentvolles (kleines) Mädchen]
a shot in the dark [coll.] [idiom]eine wilde Mutmaßung {f}
hist. mil. Wild Boar method [German Air Force]Verfahren {n} Wilde Sau [Nachtjagdverfahren der deutschen Luftwaffe]
4 Words: Nouns
a mad rush (for)eine wilde Jagd {f} (nach)
5+ Words: Others
proverb Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly.Zahme Vögel singen von Freiheit, wilde Vögel fliegen.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Brotherly LoveBrüder / Wilde Brüder mit Charme!
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