Dictionary English German: West Saxon

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SYNO   Southwestern | West Saxon
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med. West / West's syndrome <WS>West-Syndrom {n} <WS>
to change from north to westvon Nord nach West drehen
north by west <NbW, N by W>Nord zu West <NzW>
northwest by west <NWbW, NW by W>Nordwest zu West <NWzW>
south by west <SbW, S by W>Süd zu West <SzW>
west by north <WbN, W by N>West zu Nord <WzN>
west by south <WbS, W by S>West zu Süd <WzS>
West VirginianBewohner {m} West Virginias [US-Bundesstaat]
educ. East-West studiesOst-West-Studien {pl} <OWS>
east-west thoroughfareOst-West-Achse {f} [Straße]
hist. West Ukrainian National RepublicWest-Ukrainische Volksrepublik {f}
west-to-east extensionWest-Ost-Ausdehnung {f}
East-West conflictOst-West-Konflikt {m}
east-west directionOst-West-Richtung {f}
east-west extensionOst-West-Ausdehnung {f}
transp. east-west linkOst-West-Verbindung {f}
east-west trafficOst-West-Verkehr {m}
med. West Nile feverWest-Nil-Fieber {n}
west-east directionWest-Ost-Richtung {f}
geogr. West Ice ShelfWest-Schelfeis {n}
geogr. West Coast [U.S. and NZ regions]West Coast {f} [Regionen in den USA und Neuseeland]
zool. T
lit. F West-Eastern DivanWest-östlicher Divan [J. W. v. Goethe]
aviat. naut. Mae West [Am.] [nickname of personal flotation device or life jacket]Mae West {f} [amerikanischer Spitzname für Rettungs- oder Schwimmweste]
geogr. West Virginia <WV> [Mountain State]West Virginia {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
med. West Nile virus <WNV>West-Nil-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
hist. United Nations Security Force in West New Guinea <UNSF>Sicherheitstruppe {f} der Vereinten Nationen in West-Neuguinea <UNSF>
Saxon {adj}sächsisch
ethn. SaxonSachse {m}
ling. SaxonSächsisch {n}
southwest by west <SWbW, SW by W>Südwest zu West <SWzW, SW zu W>
ethn. Saxon [female]Sächsin {f}
ling. Anglo-SaxonAltenglisch {n}
hist. Anglo-SaxonAngelsachse {m}
ling. Lower SaxonNiedersächsisch {n}
ling. Old SaxonAltsächsisch {n}
Saxon kingSachsenkönig {m}
herald. Saxon steedNiedersachsenross {n}
herald. Saxon steedSachsenross {n}
herald. Saxon steedWelfenross {n}
herald. Saxon steedWestfalenpferd {n}
hist. Saxon WarsSachsenkriege {pl}
ling. Upper SaxonObersächsisch {n}
geogr. meteo. naut. west <W>West <W> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel]
old Saxon {adj}altsächsisch <as.>
hist. Thuringo-Saxon {adj}thüringisch-sächsisch
Transylvanian Saxon {adj}siebenbürgisch-sächsisch
hist. Anglo-Saxon [female]Angelsächsin {f}
ling. Saxon genitivesächsischer Genitiv {m}
geogr. Saxon SwitzerlandSächsische Schweiz {f}
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