Dictionary English German: Weiche

Translation 1 - 50 of 84  >>

ADJ  weich | weicher | am weichsten/weichesten ... 
NOUN1   das Weiche/ein Weiches | -
NOUN2   die Weiche | die Weichen
SYNO   Abzweigung | Gabelung | Weiche ... 
rail switch [Am.]
Weiche {f}
rail turnout
Weiche {f}
zool. flank
Weiche {f} [Flanke]
rail points {pl} [Br.]
Weiche {f}
med. shunt
Weiche {f} [Fachbegriff ist Shunt]
rail alterable switchWeiche {f}
rail railway switchWeiche {f}
rail set of points [Br.]Weiche {f}
softnessWeiche {f} [regional] [Weichheit]
2 Words: Others
relig. Get thee hence, Satan! [archaic]Weiche, Satan!
Go back, Satan! [exorcism formula]Weiche, Satan! [Exorzismusformel]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. softboard(weiche) Dämmplatte {f}
tech. softboard(weiche) Dämmstoffplatte {f}
equest. VetMed. wind puff [also: windpuff](weiche) Galle {f} [Fesselgelenk]
med. soft collar(weiche) Halskrause {f}
rail manually operated switch [Am.]handbediente Weiche {f}
engin. hydraulic compensatorhydraulische Weiche {f}
tech. hydraulic shunthydraulische Weiche {f}
rail interlocked points {pl}signalabhängige Weiche {f}
econ. soft budget constraintweiche Budgetbeschränkung {f}
drugs soft drugweiche Droge {f}
gastr. soft-boiled eggsweiche Eier {pl}
waddingweiche Füllung {f}
soft powerweiche Gewalt {f}
anat. pia materweiche Hirnhaut {f}
med. optics soft contact lensesweiche Kontaktlinsen {pl}
med. soft groin [Gilmore's groin]weiche Leiste {f} [Sportlerleiste]
law soft letter of comfortweiche Patronatserklärung {f}
film lit. theatre soft punch lineweiche Pointe {f}
biol. soft polytomyweiche Polytomie {f}
electr. MedTech. soft tubeweiche Röhre {f}
MedTech. soft X-ray bremsstrahlungweiche Röntgenbremsstrahlung {f}
MedTech. soft X-raysweiche Röntgenstrahlen {pl}
MedTech. soft X-radiationweiche Röntgenstrahlung {f}
MedTech. soft X-raysweiche Röntgenstrahlung {f}
soft voiceweiche Stimme {f}
econ. soft currencyweiche Währung {f}
comp. soft hyphenationweiche Zeilenschaltung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
rail to change the switch [Am.]die Weiche stellen [Eisenbahn]
rail to reverse the points [Br.]die Weiche umlegen
to get weak at / in the knees [idiom]weiche Knie bekommen [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
rail facing points {pl} [Br.]spitz befahrene Weiche {f}
rail catch points {pl} [trailing points]stumpf befahrene Weiche {f}
rail trailing points {pl} [Br.]stumpf befahrene Weiche {f}
electr. soft / hard switch-offweiche / harte Ausschaltung {f}
electr. soft / hard switch-onweiche / harte Einschaltung {f}
4 Words: Others
My knees began to buckle.Ich bekam weiche Knie.
4 Words: Verbs
rail to pass the point facingdie Weiche spitz befahren
rail to pass the point trailingdie Weiche stumpf befahren
4 Words: Nouns
smooth skinglatte und weiche Haut {f}
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