Dictionary English German: Warnleuchte

Translation 1 - 11 of 11

NOUN   die Warnleuchte | die Warnleuchten
SYNO   Warnlampe | Warnleuchte
warning lightWarnleuchte {f}
2 Words
automot. low brake fluid level warning lightBremsflüssigkeits-Warnleuchte {f}
automot. fuel reserve indicatorKraftstoff-Warnleuchte {f}
coolant level warning lightKühlmittelstand-Warnleuchte {f}
low coolant warning lightKühlmittelstand-Warnleuchte {f}
engine oil level warning lightMotorölstand-Warnleuchte {f}
tech. low oil warning lightÖlstand-Warnleuchte {f}
engine oil level warning lightÖlstand-Warnleuchte {f}
automot. water-level warning lightWasserstands-Warnleuchte {f}
automot. washer fluid level warning lightWasserstands-Warnleuchte {f} [Scheibenwaschanlage]
5+ Words
tech. engine oil level warning lightWarnleuchte {f} für zu niedrigen Motorölstand
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