Dictionary English German: Ware

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ADJ   ware | more ware | most ware
NOUN   ware | wares
VERB  to ware | wared | wared ... 
SYNO   merchandise | product | ware ... 
NOUN   die Ware | die Waren
SYNO   Artikel | Handelsgut | Produkt ... 
Ware {f}
goods {pl}
Ware {f}
comm. merchandise
Ware {f}
Ware {f}
comm. article
Ware {f}
Ware {f}
comm. merch [coll.] [merchandise]
Ware {f}
comm. econ. tech. B-stock / B stockB-Ware {f}
factory secondB-Ware {f}
gastr. baker's wareBackware {f}
Böttger wareBöttgersteinzeug® {n} [der Meißner Manufaktur]
Chelsea wareChelseaporzellan {n}
enamel ware [crockery]Emailgeschirr {n}
gastr. table wareEssgeschirr {n}
domestic wareGebrauchsgeschirr {n}
archaeo. hist. coarse wareGrobkeramik {f}
hist. Habaner faience (ware)Habanerfayence {f}
jasper wareJasperware {f} [farbiges Steinzeug mit weißen Applikationen]
archaeo. art Kamares ware [type of Minoan pottery]Kamareskeramik {f} [minoischer Keramikstil]
ceramic wareKeramikwaren {pl}
ind. hollow-ware industryKesselindustrie {f}
archaeo. hist. cooking wareKochkeramik {f}
brass wareMessingware {f}
brass-wareMessingware {f}
sanitary ware [ceramic ware]Sanitärkeramik {f}
sanitary ware {sg}Sanitärprodukte {pl}
archaeo. corded wareSchnurkeramik {f}
archaeo. Corded Ware cultureSchnurkeramik {f} [Kultur]
archaeo. ethn. Corded Ware peopleSchnurkeramiker {pl} [als Volk]
biscuit wareSchrühware {f}
bisque wareSchrühware {f} [Keramik]
black-slipped wareSchwarzfirnisware {f}
Sèvres wareSèvresporzellan {n}
mixed wareSystemkombination {f}
ceramic wareTöpferware {f}
contract goods {pl}Ware {f}
Worcester wareWorcesterporzellan {n}
pewter wareZinn {n} [Gegenstände, Geschirr]
2 Words: Others
of such goodssolcher Ware
2 Words: Verbs
to ware [rare](viel) ausgeben
to pick up goodsWare abholen
to accept goodsWare abnehmen
to discharge goodsWare abstoßen
comm. to advise goodsWare ankündigen
to carry goods to their destinationWare anliefern
to accept goodsWare annehmen
to advertise productsWare anpreisen
to shill [Am.] [coll.]Ware anpreisen [um Kunden anzulocken]
comm. to tag goodsWare auszeichnen
to reject goodsWare beanstanden
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