Dictionary English German: Tribute

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NOUN   a tribute | tributes
SYNO   protection | tribute | testimonial
NOUN   der Tribut | die Tribute
Anerkennung {f} [Ehrung, Würdigung]
Ehrung {f}
Tribut {m}
fin. tribute
Abgabe {f}
2 Words: Others
in tribute {adv}zum Gedenken
2 Words: Verbs
to tribute moneyGeld beisteuern
2 Words: Nouns
floral tributeBlumengabe {f}
floral tributeBlumengruß {m}
tribute (to sb./sth.)Hommage {f} (an jdn./etw.)
mus. tribute albumGedächtnisalbum {n}
mus. tribute albumGedächtnis-Album {n}
mus. tribute bandTribute-Band {f}
tribute bearerTributbringer {m}
mus. tribute concertBenefizkonzert {n}
hist. tribute systemTributsystem {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to pay tribute to sb.jdm. huldigen [geh.]
to pay tribute to sb.jdn. würdigen [preisen]
to pay tribute to sb.jdm. Achtung bezeugen
to pay tribute to sb.jdm. Anerkennung zollen
hist. to pay tribute to sb.jdm. Tribut zahlen
idiom to pay tribute to sb./sth.jdm./etw. seinen Tribut zollen [Achtung, Respekt zollen]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. tribute payments (to)Tributzahlungen {pl} (an)
4 Words: Others
in silent tribute (to sb.) {adv} [idiom]in stillem Gedenken (an jdn.)
4 Words: Verbs
to be a tribute to sb.jdm. Ehre machen
to pay (one's) tribute to sb.jdm. seinen Tribut entrichten
5+ Words: Verbs
to bring one's tribute of praisesein Lob anbringen
to offer one's tribute of praisesein Lob anbringen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Catching Fire [Suzanne Collins] [2nd novel in »The Hunger Games« trilogy]Die Tribute von PanemGefährliche Liebe [Band 2 der Trilogie]
lit. F Mockingjay [Suzanne Collins] [3rd novel in »The Hunger Games« trilogy]Die Tribute von PanemFlammender Zorn [Band 3 der Trilogie]
lit. F The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes – A Hunger Game Novel [Suzanne Collins]Die Tribute von Panem X – Das Lied von Vogel und Schlange
film F The Hunger Games [Gary Ross]Die Tribute von PanemThe Hunger Games
lit. F The Hunger Games [Suzanne Collins] [1st novel in »The Hunger Games« trilogy]Die Tribute von PanemTödliche Spiele [Band 1 der Trilogie]
lit. F The Hunger Games [Suzanne Collins] [trilogy]Die Tribute von Panem [Trilogie]
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