Dictionary English German: Tonne

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NOUN   a tonne | tonnes
SYNO   MT | metric ton | t | tonne
NOUN   die Tonne | die Tonnen
SYNO   Barrel | Bottich | Fass | Gebinde ... 
ton [fig.] [a very heavy weight]
Tonne {f} [fig.]
barrel [bin]
Tonne {f} [Gefäß]
unit tonne <t> [Br.] [1000 kg]
Tonne {f} <t>
naut. buoy
Tonne {f} [Boje]
Tonne {f} [Öltonne etc.]
Tonne {f} [Gefäß]
FoodInd. hogshead [Am.]
Tonne {f}
unit gross tonne [in metric tons]Bruttotonne {f}
net tonne [in metric tons]Nettotonne {f}
archi. barrel vaultTonne {f}
long ton <l.t.>Tonne {f}
unit metric ton [Am.] <mt> [1,000 kg]Tonne {f} <t>
tonne kilometre <tkm> [Br.] [in metric tons]Tonnenkilometer {m} <tkm>
2 Words: Others
econ. per ton {adv} <p.t.>je Tonne
econ. per ton {adv} <p.t.>pro Tonne
2 Words: Nouns
unit metric ton <MT>(metrische) Tonne {f} <t>
unit short ton <tn. sh.> [907.18 kg]amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh.>
unit ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]
unit weight ton [1016.05 kg]britische Tonne {f} [1016,05 kg]
unit long ton <tn. l.> [1016.05 kg]britische Tonne {f} <tn. l.>
unit ton <l. t., l. tn., L.T., LT> [Br.] [long ton] [2240 lb]britische Tonne {f} <tn. l.> [ca. 1016,05 kg]
ecol. recycling bin [yellow]Gelbe Tonne {f}
ecol. [yellow refuse bin for the collection of recyclable packaging material, e.g. yoghurt pots, detergent bottles]Gelbe Tonne {f} [gelbe Wertstofftonne]
ecol. green (food waste) bin [Br.]Grüne Tonne {f} [Biotonne]
unit tonne <t>metrische Tonne {f} <t>
unit ton standard <ts>Standard-Tonne {f} <ts>
chem. econ. ton of oil equivalent <toe>Tonne {f} Erdöläquivalent
unit tonne of oil equivalent <TOE>Tonne {f} Rohöleinheit
4 Words: Verbs
to chuck sth. in the dustbin [Br.] [coll.] [also fig.]etw.Akk. in die Tonne treten [ugs.] [auch fig.]
to shitcan sth. [Am.] [sl.] [idiom]etw. in die Tonne treten [ugs.] [fig.] [Redewednung]
5+ Words: Others
proverb A pinch of experience is worth a peck of theory. [esp. Br.]Ein Gramm Erfahrung ist mehr wert als eine Tonne Theorie.
proverb An ounce of experience is worth a ton of theory.Ein Gramm Praxis ist mehr wert als eine Tonne Theorie.
5+ Words: Verbs
to tip the scales at at least a ton [coll.]es locker auf eine Tonne bringen [ugs.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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