Dictionary English German: Thema

Translation 1 - 50 of 178  >>

NOUN   das Thema | die Themen/[geh. veraltend] Themata
SYNO   Motiv | Thema | Tonfigur ... 
issue [topic]
Thema {n}
Thema {n}
Internet thread [email, forum]
Thema {n}
subject [topic]
Thema {n}
Thema {n}
item [topic]
Thema {n}
head [obs.] [one of the chief points of a topic]
Thema {n} [Schwerpunkt]
mus. subject [theme]
Thema {n}
subject-matterThema {n}
talking pointThema {n} [Gesprächsthema]
2 Words: Others
Not a problem!Kein Thema! [ugs.]
on the subject of sb./sth. {adv}zum Thema jd./etw. [z. B. zum Thema Korruption]
2 Words: Nouns
topical subjectaktuelles Thema {n}
topical themeaktuelles Thema {n}
single topiceinziges Thema {n}
big talking pointgroßes Thema {n}
delicate subjectheikles Thema {n}
fishy subjectheikles Thema {n}
sensitive topicheikles Thema {n}
sore subjectheikles Thema {n}
tender subjectheikles Thema {n}
touchy subjectheikles Thema {n}
hot topichochaktuelles Thema {n}
non-issuekein Thema {n}
mus. contrasting themekontrastierendes Thema {n}
motifkurzes Thema {n}
nonissue [also: non-issue]Nicht-Thema {n}
anathemaNon-Thema {n} [ugs.]
sore subjectpeinliches Thema {n}
radical issueradikales Thema {n}
stiff subjectschwieriges Thema {n}
biggest talking pointTop-Thema {n}
controversial subjectumstrittenes Thema {n}
important issuewichtiges Thema {n}
unsavoury subject [Br.]widerliches Thema {n}
3 Words: Others
idiom What has that got to do with the price of fish? [coll.] [Why are you trying to change the subject?]Bleib beim Thema!
on the subject {adv}über dieses Thema
Internet back on topic <BOT>zurück zum Thema
3 Words: Verbs
to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic; about a person, presentation, etc.](vom Thema) abschweifen
to go off on a tangent [idiom](vom Thema) abschweifen
to miss the point [idiom]am Thema vorbeigehen
idiom to keep to the pointbeim Thema bleiben
to stick to the pointbeim Thema bleiben
to vary the themedas Thema ändern
to broach the subjectdas Thema anschneiden
to raise the subjectdas Thema anschneiden
to settle the issuedas Thema erledigen
to miss the pointdas Thema verfehlen
to change topicdas Thema wechseln
to veer off [fig.] [change the subject of conversation]das Thema wechseln
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