Dictionary English German: TA

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SYNO   Ta | atomic number 73 | tantalum
SYNO   Ta [Symbol] | Tantal
Ta. [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.]
Ta! [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.]
Merci! [bes. schweiz., sonst informell: danke]
jobs VetMed. vet [esp. Br.]
Tierarzt {m} <TA>
chem. tantalum <Ta>
Tantal {n} <Ta>
chem. tantalum <Ta>Tantalum {n} <Ta> [veraltet] [Tantal]
2 Words: Others
Ta-da! [see here]Tada! [Siehe da!]
Ta-dah! [see here]Tada! [Siehe da!]
Ta-ra! [N. Engl.] [coll.]Auf Wiedersehen!
Ta-ta! [Br.] [coll.]Papa! [österr.] [ugs.] [Rsv.] [auch: Baba!] [Abschiedsgruß]
Ta-ta! [Br.] [coll.]Auf Wiedersehen!
Ta, gov'ner. [Br.] [Cockney]Danke!
Ta, governor. [Br.] [coll.]Danke, Meister! [ugs.]
Ta, love! [Br.]Danke!
Ta, mate! [Br.] [coll.]Danke, Kumpel! [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
MedTech. spec. acquisition time <TA>Akquisitionszeit {f}
MedTech. acquisition time <TA>Aufnahmezeit {f}
electr. MedTech. acquisition time <TA> [in imaging modalities, e.g. MRT, angiography]Messzeit {f} [bei bildgebenden Modalitäten, z. B. MR, Angiographie]
ethn. moko [Maori tattoo] Moko {n} [Maori-Tätowierung]
ta ta's [Am.] [sl.] [WRONG for: tatas] [Titten]
ta tas [sl.]Tittis {pl} [ugs.]
ta-ta's [Am.] [sl.] [WRONG for: tatas] [Titten]
phys. Taylor number <Ta>Taylor-Zahl {f} <Ta>
educ. teacher's aide [USA] <TA>Schulbegleiter {m}
acad. educ. teaching assistant <TA>Lehrassistent {m}
educ. jobs teaching assistant <TA>Lehrerassistent {m}
educ. teaching assistant <TA>Schulbegleiter {m}
acad. educ. teaching assistant <TA> [female]Lehrassistentin {f}
educ. jobs teaching assistant <TA> [female]Lehrerassistentin {f}
technical assistant <TA>technischer Assistent {m}
technical assistant <TA>technischer Gehilfe {m} [geh.]
technical assistant <TA> [female]technische Assistentin {f}
technical assistant <TA> [female]technische Gehilfin {f} [geh.]
econ. technology assessment <TA>Technikbewertung {f} [Technikfolgenabschätzung]
ecol. technology assessment <TA>Technikfolgenabschätzung {f} <TA>
econ. technology assessment <TA>Technologiefolgenabschätzung {f}
med. temporal arteritis <TA> [Arteriitis temporalis]temporale Arteriitis {f} <TA>
anat. med. Terminologia Anatomica <TA> [supersedes the Nomina Anatomica]Terminologia anatomica {f} <TA>
mil. Territorial Army <TA> [Br.]Territorialheer {n} <TerrH>
anat. testicular artery <TA> [Arteria testicularis]Hodenarterie {f}
med. MedTech. thermal ablation <TA>thermische Ablation {f}
anat. thyroid artery <TA> [Arteria thyroidea]Schilddrüsenschlagader {f}
RadioTV traffic traffic announcement <TA>Verkehrsdurchsage {f}
psych. transaction analysis <TA>Transaktionsanalyse {f} <TA>
psych. transactional analysis <TA>Transaktionsanalyse {f} <TA>
aviat. transition altitude <TA>Übergangshöhe {f} [beim Steigflug]
med. tricuspid atresia <TA>Trikuspidalatresie {f} <TA>
med. tumor antigen <TA> [Am.]Tumorantigen {n} <TA>
med. tumour antigen <TA> [Br.]Tumorantigen {n} <TA>
3 Words: Nouns
archaeo. Mal'ta Venus figurinesVenusfigurinen {pl} von Malta [Oblast Irkutsk]
econ. jobs non-exempt employee [Am.] [cf. exempt employee]tariflicher Angestellter {m} <TA>
jobs scale-wage employeeTarifangestellter {m} <TA>
4 Words: Others
Ta ever so much ... [Br.] [coll.]Vielen Dank ...
Ta ta for now! <TTFN>Tschüss! [ugs.]
Ta ta for now. <TTFN>Das war's für jetzt.
5+ Words: Nouns
jobs employee covered by / under collective wage agreementTarifangestellter {m} <TA>
engin. law Technical Instructions on Air Quality ControlTechnische Anleitung {f} zur Reinhaltung der Luft <TA Luft>
law Technical Instructions on Noise ProtectionTechnische Anleitung {f} zum Schutz gegen Lärm <TA Lärm>
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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