Dictionary English German: Service Profit Kette

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NOUN   die Service-Profit-Kette | die Service-Profit-Ketten
econ. service profit chainService-Profit-Kette {f}
Partial Matches
to squeeze profit from sth. [fig.]aus etw.Dat. Profit schlagen
profit motivated {adj}auf Profit abzielend
to profit fromProfit schlagen aus
to make a profitProfit herausschlagen
to make profitProfit erzielen
high profithoher Profit {m}
chainKette {f}
textil. threadKette {f}
textil. warpKette {f}
necklaceKette {f} [Halskette]
shackleKette {f} [Fessel]
biochem. lambda light chain light chain>Lambda-Light-Kette {f} <λ-Light-Kette>
non-profit organisation [Br.]Non-Profit-Organisation {f} [auch: Nonprofit-Organisation]
concatenationKette {f} [fig.] [Verkettung]
stringKette {f} [Reihe, Schlange]
spec. heavy chainschwere Kette {f}
tech. kinematic chainkinematische Kette {f}
anat. sports kinetic chainkinetische Kette {f}
spec. linear chainlineare Kette {f}
philos. logical chainlogische Kette {f}
geogr. Mesa RangeTafelberg-Kette {f}
spec. nascent chainnaszierende Kette {f}
math. singular chainsinguläre Kette {f}
voluntary chainfreiwillige Kette {f}
hunting orn. covey [of partridges]Kette {f} [Rebhühner]
to chain-smokeKette rauchen [ugs.]
tech. cable carrierEnergiekette {f} <E-Kette>
daisy-chainKette {f} aus Gänseblümchen
comm. fast-food chainSchnellimbiss-Kette {f}
gastr. service not included [restaurant]Service {m} nicht im Preis inbegriffen
factory-trained service engineersim Werk ausgebildete Service-Techniker {pl}
gastr. service [set of plates]Service {n} [Betonung auf 2. Silbe: Gedeck]
comp. tech. mean time to restore service <MTTRS>durchschnittliche Wiederherstellungszeit {f} des Service
That's service for you!Und so was / sowas nennt man Service!
factory-trained service engineers [with degree qualification]im Werk ausgebildete Service-Ingenieure {pl}
mil. tread [Am.]gleislegende Kette {f} an Kettenfahrzeugen
to chain upan die Kette hängen
discount chainBillig-Kette {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
chain of responsibilityKette {f} der Verantwortung
chapter of accidentsKette {f} misslicher Umstände
watches fusee and chainSchneckenrad {n} mit Kette
string of reinsurersKette {f} der Rückversicherer
textil. warp and woofKette und Schuss
mil. flight of three aircraftKette {f} [Luftwaffe]
med. tech. first-line service <1st line service> [also: first line service]First-Line-Service {m}
on-site serviceVor-Ort-Service {m}
track [of a tracked vehicle]Kette {f} [Raupenkette]
watches fusee chainKette {f} [im Uhrwerk von Spindeluhren]
link in a chainGlied {n} einer Kette
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