Dictionary English German: See Saw

Translation 1 - 13 of 13

English German
NOUN   a see-saw | see-saws
VERB  to see-saw | see-sawed | see-sawed ... 
SEE ALSO  seesaw
to see-sawschaukeln
to see-saw [Br.] [e.g. stocks]schwanken [sich auf und ab bewegen, z. B. Aktienkurse]
see-sawSchaukel {f} [bes. südd.: Wippe]
see-sawSchaukelbrett {n}
see-sawWippe {f} [Spielgerät]
med. see-saw nystagmus [also: seesaw nystagmus]Schaukel-Nystagmus {m} [auch: Schaukelnystagmus]
med. see-saw nystagmus [also: seesaw nystagmus]Seesaw-Nystagmus {m}
med. acquired see-saw nystagmus [also: acquired seesaw nystagmus]erworbener Pendelnystagmus {m}
med. congenital see-saw nystagmus [also: congenital seesaw nystagmus]angeborener Pendelnystagmus {m}
to see-saw (to and fro)sichAkk. hin und her bewegen
to see-saw (up and down)sichAkk. auf und ab bewegen
econ. hist. Tipper and See-Saw TimeKipper- und Wipperzeit {f}
film F Two for the See-Saw [Robert Wise]Spiel zu zweit
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