Dictionary English German: SS

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NOUN   an S | Ss
SYNO   SS | Schutzstaffel | Secret Service ... 
NOUN1   das SS [Sommersemester] | die SS
NOUN2   die SS [Schutzstaffel] | -
SYNO   SS [abgekürzt] [fachspr.] ... 
scilicet {adv} <sc. / ss.>
scilicet {adv} <sc. / ss.>scilicet [geh.] <sc. / scil.>
scilicet {adv} <sc. / ss.>das heißt <d. h.>
hist. Schutzstaffel <SS> [paramilitary and security organisation of the NSDAP]
Schutzstaffel {f} <SS>
naut. steamship <SS, s.s.>
Dampfschiff {n}
naut. steamship <SS, s.s.>
Dampfer {m}
hist. pol. [contributing member of the SS]Förderndes Mitglied {n} der SS <FMdSS>
relig. Redemptorists <C.Ss.R, CSSR>Redemptoristen {pl} <C.Ss.R, CSSR>
subsystem <SS>Subsystem {n} <SS>
2 Words: Others
audio electr. peak-peak {adj} <pp, p-p> [voltage]Spitze-Spitze <ss, s-s> [Spannung]
2 Words: Nouns
biochem. chem. disulfide bond <SS-bond> [Am.]Disulfidbindung {f}
chem. disulfide bond <SS-bond> [Am.]Disulfidbrückenbindung {f}
biochem. chem. disulphide bond <SS-bond> [Br.]Disulfidbindung {f}
chem. disulphide bond <SS-bond> [Br.]Disulfidbrückenbindung {f}
hist. Reichsführer-SS [SS national leader, Himmler's title]Reichsführer SS {m} [auch: Reichsführer-SS] <RFSS, RfSS>
sales system <SS>Vertriebssystem {n} <VS>
scope statement <SS>Pflichtenheft {n} <PH> [Realisierungsvorgaben, Projektmanagement]
med. pharm. screening study <SS>Screening-Studie {f}
med. secondary syphilis <SS> [syphilis II, lues II]sekundäre Syphilis {f} [Syphilis II, Lues II]
law med. sentinel study <SS>Sentinel-Erhebung {f}
law med. sentinel study <SS>Sentinel-Studie {f}
law med. sentinel surveillance <SS>Sentinel-Erhebung {f}
law med. sentinel surveillance <SS>Sentinel-Surveillance {f}
comp. tech. serial interface <SI>serielle Schnittstelle {f} <SS>
comp. serial port <SP>serielle Schnittstelle {f} <SS, SSS>
med. spec. serial section <SS>Serienschnitt {m}
med. serotonin syndrome <SS>Serotoninsyndrom {n}
tech. service software <SS>Servicesoftware {f} <SS>
tech. service software <SS>Service-Software {f} <SS>
comp. single sourcing <SS> [single-source publishing]Single-Source-Publishing {n} <SSP> [z. B. technische Dokumentationen]
electr. MedTech. slice selection <SS>Schichtselektion {f} <SS>
slip stitch <slst, sl, ss>Hebemasche {f} <HM, Hm> [Stricken]
textil. slipped stitch <slst, sl, ss> [knitting; with yarn in back or in front]Hebemasche {f} [Stricken; gehobene Masche]
comp. MedTech. slow scan <SS>langsamer Scan {m}
med. Sneddon's syndrome <SS> [also Sneddon syndrome]Sneddon-Syndrom {n}
comp. software system <SS, SWS>Softwaresystem {n} <SS, SWS>
ling. source state <SS>Ausgangszustand {m}
geogr. South Sudan <.ss>Südsudan {m}
geogr. hist. Southern Sudan [inofficial] <.ss>Südsudan {m}
phys. spark source <SS>Funkenquelle {f}
comp. special software <SS>Sondersoftware {f}
med. spinal stenosis <SS>Spinalstenose {f}
tech. telecom. spread spectrum <SS>Bandspreizung {f}
educ. spring semester [Am.]Sommersemester {n} <SS, SoSe>
hist. mil. SS men [SS privates]SS-Männer {pl}
SS shelfVA-Regal {n}
hist. mil. SS-Brigadeführer [brigadier general of the SS]SS-Brigadeführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Gruppenführer [major general of the SS]SS-Gruppenführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Hauptscharführer [master sergeant of the SS]SS-Hauptscharführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Hauptsturmführer [captain of the SS]SS-Hauptsturmführer {m}
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