Dictionary English German: Riese

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NOUN1   der Riese | die Riesen
NOUN2   die Riese [Rinne für Holztransport] | die Riesen
NOUN3   das Ries | die Ries/Riese
SYNO   Gigant | Riese | Riesenstern ... 
Riese {m}
grand [coll.] [£1000 or $1000]
Riese {m} [ugs.]
leviathan [fig.] [giant thing]
Riese {m} [fig.]
whopper [coll.]
Riese {m}
Riese {m}
large [Am.] [sl.] [a thousand dollars]
Riese {m} [ugs.] [bezogen auf tausend US-Dollar]
for. ind. log flumeRiese {f} [bes. südd. u. österr.] [Rinne zum Abtransport von geschlagenem Holz]
ind. timber slideRiese {f} [Holz]
2 Words
math. Adam Riese [also: Adam Ries] [1492-1559] [German mathematician]Adam Riese {m} [Adam Ries; seltener auch: Ris, Rise, Ryse und Reyeß]
astron. blue giantBlauer Riese {m}
financial giantfinanzieller Riese {m}
astron. red giantRoter Riese {m} [auch: roter Riese]
gentle giantsanfter Riese {m}
sleeping giant [fig.]schlafender Riese {m} [fig.]
3 Words
idiom according to Cocker {adv}nach Adam Riese
5+ Words
My arithmetic makes it 4.50 euros. [coll.]Das macht nach Adam Riese / Ries 4,50 Euro. [ugs., hum.]
The way I learned it at school that makes EUR 3.50.Das macht nach Adam Riese EUR 3,50. [ugs.] [hum.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Buried Giant [Kazuo Ishiguro]Der begrabene Riese
lit. F The Young Giant [Grimm Brothers]Der junge Riese [Brüder Grimm]
lit. F The Giant and the Tailor [Grimm Brothers]Der Riese und der Schneider [Brüder Grimm]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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