Dictionary English German: Rex

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NOUN   rex | rexes
SYNO   Rex | king | male monarch
law pol. Rex [part of the official title of a king]Rex {m} [Königstitel]
educ. jobs principal [Am.]Rex {m} [ugs.] [Schülersprache] [Rektor, Schuldirektor]
educ. jobs head teacher [Br.]Rex {m} [ugs.] [Schülersprache] [Rektor, Schuldirektor]
Tyrannosaurus rex <T. rex>Tyrannosaurus rex {m}
RadioTV F Inspector Rex [TV series]Kommissar Rex
lit. F Oedipus the King / Oedipus Rex [Sophocles]König Ödipus [Sophokles]
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