Dictionary English German: Renin Angiotensin Aldosteron System

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NOUN   das Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-System | die Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-Systeme
med. renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system <RAAS>Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-System {n} <RAAS>
Partial Matches
med. renin systemReninsystem {n}
med. pharm. angiotensin-converting enzyme <ACE>Angiotensin-umwandelndes Enzym {n} <AUE>
biochem. angiotensin receptorAngiotensin-Rezeptor {m}
biol. pharm. angiotensin-converting enzyme <ACE>Angiotensin-konvertierendes Enzym {n} <ACE>
pharm. angiotensin II receptor antagonistsAngiotensin-II-Rezeptor-Antagonisten {pl}
pharm. angiotensin II receptor antagonistAngiotensin-II-Rezeptor-Antagonist {m}
med. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor <ACE inhibitor>Angiotensin-Konversionsenzym-Hemmer {m} <ACE-Hemmer>
pharm. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors <ACE inhibitors>Angiotensin-Konversionsenzym-Hemmer {pl} <ACE-Hemmer>
biochem. aldosterone [C21H28O5]Aldosteron {n}
biochem. reninRenin {n}
med. renin activityReninaktivität {f}
biochem. angiotensinAngiotensin {n}
comp. math. linear time-invariant system <LTI system>lineares zeitinvariantes System {n} <LZI-System>
MedTech. image intensifier television system <I.I. TV system>Bildverstärker-Fernseh-System {n} <BV-FS-System>
biochem. yeast two-hybrid system <Y2H system>Hefe-Zwei-Hybrid-System {n} <H2H-System>
comp. econ. QM production planning and control system <PPC system>Produktionsplanungs- und Steuerungssystem {n} <PPS-System>
biochem. angiotensin receptor blocker <ARB>Angiotensinrezeptorenblocker {m} <ARB>
MedTech. RadioTV television system <TV system>Fernseheinrichtung {f} <FS-System>
MedTech. image intensifier television system <I.I. TV system>Bildverstärker-Fernsehsystem {n} <BV-FS-System>
MedTech. image intensifier television system <I.I. TV system>Bildverstärkerfernsehsystem {n} <BV-FS-System>
med. MedTech. automated insulin delivery system <AID, AID system>automatisiertes Insulinabgabe-System {n} <AID, AID-System>
biol. human leukocyte antigen system <HLA system>humanes Leukozyten-Antigen-System {n} <HLA-System>
biochem. angiotensin receptor blocker <ARB>Angiotensinrezeptorblocker {m} <ARB> [auch: Angiotensin-Rezeptor-Blocker, Angiotensinrezeptor-Blocker]
med. five-level triage system <5-level triage system>fünfstufiges Triage-System {n} <5-stufiges Triage-System> [auch: fünfstufiges Triagesystem]
comp. information technology system <IT system, ITS>informationstechnisches System {n} <IT-System>
comp. telecom. interactive voice response system <IVR system>IVR-System {n} [Sprachdialogsystem]
med. pharm. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor <ACE inhibitor>Angiotensinkonversionsenzymhemmer {m} <ACE-Hemmer> [auch: Angiotensinkonversionsenzym-Hemmer, Angiotensin-Konversionsenzym-Hemmer]
anat. gastroenteropancreatic system <GEP system>gastroenteropankreatisches System {n} <GEP-System>
engin. tech. lockout / tagout system <Lo-To / LOTO system>Lockout- / Tagout-System {n} [Blockier- und Verriegelungssystem]
audio electr. frequency modulation system <FM system>Frequenzmodulationssystem {n} <FM-System>
econ. enterprise resource planning system <ERP system>ERP-System {n}
electr. infinite impulse response system <IIR system>IIR-System {n}
biotech. clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-Cas system <CRISPR-Cas system>CRISPR-Cas-System {n}
electr. pulse code modulation system <PCM system>Puls-Code-Modulationssystem {n} <PCM-System>
math. reduction system [semi-Thue system]Semi-Thue-System {n} <STS>
mil. air defence system [Br.] <ADS>Luftverteidigungssystem {n} <LV-System, LVS>
mil. air defense system [Am.] <ADS>Luftverteidigungssystem {n} <LV-System, LVS>
FireResc telecom. emergency response systemRufhilfe-System {n} [auch: Rufhilfesystem] [Notrufsender + Basisstation]
chem. silver oxide-zinc system [AgZn system]Silberoxid-Zink-System {n}
med. ABO system [blood group system]AB0-System {n} [Blutgruppensystem]
sports cup system [single-elimination tournament]K.-o.-System {n}
photo. print color management system <CMS> [Am.]Farbmanagement-System {n} <FMS>
photo. print colour management system <CMS> [Br.]Farbmanagement-System {n} <FMS>
comp. engin. ind. human-machine system <HMS>Mensch-Maschine-System {n} <MMS>
comp. psych. tech. human-system interaction <HSI>Mensch-System-Interaktion {f} <MSI>
med. total antioxidant system <TAS>totales antioxidatives System {n} <TAK>
This system works well.Dieses System funktioniert gut.
under such a system {adv}unter solch einem System
to hack into a systemin ein System eindringen
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