Dictionary English German: Pareto Optimum

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NOUN   das Pareto-Optimum | die Pareto-Optima
Pareto optimalityPareto-Optimum {n}
Partial Matches
stat. Pareto principle [also: Pareto's principle]Pareto-Prinzip {n}
econ. Pareto-efficient {adj}pareto-effizient [auch Pareto-effizient]
multicriteria Pareto optimizationmehrkriterielle Pareto-Optimierung {f}
QM stat. Pareto analysisPareto-Analyse {f}
QM stat. Pareto chartPareto-Diagramm {n}
econ. Pareto criterionPareto-Kriterium {n}
QM stat. Pareto diagramPareto-Diagramm {n}
stat. Pareto distributionPareto-Verteilung {f}
econ. Pareto efficiencyPareto-Effizienz {f}
econ. Pareto efficiencyPareto-Menge {f}
math. Pareto frontierPareto-Front {f}
econ. math. Pareto improvementPareto-Verbesserung {f}
econ. math. Pareto optimalityPareto-Optimalität {f}
math. Pareto setPareto-Front {f}
math. Pareto setPareto-Menge {f}
ecol. ecological optimumökologisches Optimum {n}
tech. optimum valueOptimum {n}
econ. Pareto-optimal {adj}Pareto-optimal
math. Pareto frontPareto-Front {f}
QM stat. Pareto analysisParetoanalyse {f}
QM stat. Pareto chartParetodiagramm {n}
QM stat. Pareto diagramParetodiagramm {n}
spec. Pareto principleParetoprinzip {n}
optimumOptimum {n}
optimum {adj}bestmöglich
optimum {adj}optimal
optimumBestwert {m}
optimum conditionsOptimalbedingungen {pl}
optimum performanceOptimalleistung {f}
optimum situationBestsituation {f}
optimum solutionBestlösung {f}
optimum solutionOptimallösung {f}
optimum temperatureOptimaltemperatur {f}
biol. tech. optimum temperatureTemperaturoptimum {n}
optimum valueBestwert {m}
optimum valueOptimalwert {m}
agr. optimum yieldOptimalertrag {m}
stat. principle of factor sparsity [Pareto principle]Pareto-Prinzip {n}
photo. optimum apertureförderliche Blende {f}
comm. optimum balancebestmögliches Verhältnis {n}
optimum codingoptimale Verschlüsselung {f}
optimum costsoptimale Kosten {pl}
optimum efficiencybester Wirkungsgrad {m}
optimum outputoptimale Leistung {f}
optimum outputoptimale Produktionsmenge {f}
optimum performanceoptimale Leistung {f}
optimum populationoptimale Bevölkerungsdichte {f}
optimum programmingoptimale Programmierung {f}
optimum quantityoptimale Menge {f}
optimum scaleoptimaler Umfang {m}
optimum sizeoptimale Größe {f}
optimum solutionbestmögliche Lösung {f}
optimum solutionoptimale Lösung {f}
optimum temperatureoptimale Temperatur {f}
optimum timeoptimale Zeit {f}
optimum valueoptimaler Wert {m}
agr. econ. optimum yieldoptimaler Ertrag {m}
stat. law of the vital few [Pareto principle]Pareto-Prinzip {f}
optimum sizeOptimalgröße {f} [optimale Größe]
optimum block lengthoptimale Blocklänge {f}
spec. stat. Pareto principle [80/20 rule]80/20-Regel {f} [Pareto-Regel]
spec. stat. Pareto's principle [80-20 rule]Paretoprinzip {n} [auch: Pareto-Prinzip]
to obtain optimum performanceoptimale Leistung erzielen
telecom. optimum working frequency <OWF>günstigste Verkehrsfrequenz {f}
optimum ripeness for consumptionoptimale Genussreife {f}
to make optimum use of sth.etw. in optimaler Weise nutzen
to get the most out of sth.das Maximum / Optimum aus etw.Dat. herausholen
mil. optimum height of burst [vertical distance from ground surface or target to the point of detonating burst]wirksame Sprengpunkthöhe {f}
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