Dictionary English German: Papst

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NOUN   der Papst | die Päpste
SYNO   Bischof von Rom | Kirchenfürst ... 
relig. papal {adj}
relig. pope <PP>
Papst {m} <PP>
relig. pontiff
Papst {m}
relig. Holy FatherPapst {m}
2 Words: Others
hist. relig. during the papacy of ... {adv}unter Papst ...
2 Words: Nouns
etiquette expertBenimm-Papst {m}
relig. Pope emeritusemeritierter Papst {m}
relig. Coptic Popekoptischer Papst {m}
hist. relig. Pope AgathoPapst {m} Agatho
hist. relig. Pope DonusPapst {m} Donus
hist. relig. Pope FormosusPapst {m} Formosus
relig. Pope FrancisPapst {m} Franziskus
hist. relig. Pope HilariusPapst {m} Hilarius
hist. relig. Pope HormisdasPapst {m} Hormisdas
hist. relig. Pope CononPapst {m} Konon
hist. relig. Pope LandoPapst {m} Lando
hist. relig. Pope RomanusPapst {m} Romanus
hist. relig. Pope SabinianPapst {m} Sabinianus
hist. relig. Pope SeverinusPapst {m} Severinus
hist. relig. Pope SilveriusPapst {m} Silverius
hist. relig. Pope SimpliciusPapst {m} Simplicius
hist. relig. Pope SiriciusPapst {m} Siricius
hist. relig. Pope SisinniusPapst {m} Sisinnius
hist. relig. Pope SymmachusPapst {m} Symmachus
hist. relig. Pope ValentinePapst {m} Valentin
hist. relig. Pope VigiliusPapst {m} Vigilius
hist. relig. Pope VitalianPapst {m} Vitalian
hist. relig. Pope ZacharyPapst {m} Zacharias
hist. relig. Pope ZosimusPapst {m} Zosimus
3 Words: Verbs
relig. to be raised to the papacyzum Papst aufsteigen
3 Words: Nouns
hist. relig. Pope Adeodatus IIPapst {m} Adeodatus II.
hist. relig. Pope Agapetus IIPapst {m} Agapet II.
hist. relig. Pope Agapetus IIPapst {m} Agapetus II.
hist. relig. Pope Agapetus IIPapst {m} Agapitus II.
hist. relig. Pope Alexander VIIIPapst {m} Alexander VIII.
hist. relig. Pope Anastasius IVPapst {m} Anastasius IV.
hist. relig. Pope Benedict XVIPapst {m} Benedikt XVI.
hist. relig. Pope Boniface IXPapst {m} Bonifatius IX.
hist. relig. Pope Clement XIVPapst {m} Clemens XIV.
hist. relig. Pope Celestine VPapst {m} Coelestin V.
hist. relig. Pope ConstantinePapst {m} Constantinus I.
hist. relig. Pope Damasus IPapst {m} Damasus I.
hist. relig. Pope Damasus IIPapst {m} Damasus II.
hist. relig. Pope Eugene IVPapst {m} Eugen IV.
hist. relig. Pope Gelasius IIPapst {m} Gelasius II.
hist. relig. Pope Gregory XVIPapst {m} Gregor XVI.
hist. relig. Pope Adrian VIPapst {m} Hadrian VI.
hist. relig. Pope Honorius IVPapst {m} Honorius IV.
hist. relig. Pope Innocent XIIIPapst {m} Innozenz XIII.
hist. relig. Pope John XXIIIPapst {m} Johannes XXIII.
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