Dictionary English German: POI

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NOUN   poi | -
FoodInd. gastr. poi [Hawaiian food of taro root]
Poi {n}
art dance ethn. poi [refers to both a style of performance art and the equipment used for engaging in poi performance]
Poi {f}
2 Words
dance poi dancePoi-Tanz {m}
3 Words
spec. person of interest <POI>Person {f} von besonderem (polizeilichem) Interesse
persons of interest <POI> [law enforcement]Personen {pl} von besonderem polizeilichen Interesse
fin. phys. point of interaction <POI>Interaktionspunkt {m}
point of interest <POI>Sehenswürdigkeit {f} [bes. bei Navigationssystemen]
point of interest <POI>Ort {m} von Interesse <OVI>
med. premature ovarian failure <POF>prämature Ovarialinsuffizienz {f} <POI>
med. primary ovarian insufficiency <POI>vorzeitige Ovarialinsuffizienz {f}
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