Dictionary English German: Organ Programmierung

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NOUN   die Organ-Programmierung | -
MedTech. organ programmingOrgan-Programmierung {f}
Partial Matches
anat. organ of Corti [Organon spirale]Cortisches Organ {n} [alt]
econ. organ [of a company]Organ {n} [einer Gesellschaft]
anat. organ of Corti [Organon spirale]cortisches Organ {n}
anat. med. solid organ [e.g. liver, spleen]solides Organ {n} [z. B. Leber, Milz]
med. circumventricular organ <CVO>zirkumventrikuläres Organ {n} <ZVO>
biol. zool. Eimer's organEimersches Organ {n} [alt]
med. haematopoietic organ [esp. Br.]blutbildendes Organ {n}
med. haemopoietic organ [esp. Br.]blutbildendes Organ {n}
zool. Haller's organHallersches Organ {n} [alt]
zool. spermaceti organWalrat-Organ {n} [auch: Walratorgan]
anat. spiral organ [Organon spirale]Corti-Organ {n}
med. to donate an organein Organ spenden
med. to expose an organein Organ freilegen
entom. organ of RibagaRibagasches Organ {n} [alt]
bot. thigmonastically responsive organthigmonastisch reagierendes Organ {n}
sensitive organempfindlich ansprechendes Organ {n}
anat. sensory organsensorisches Organ {n} [Sinnesorgan]
biol. vomeronasal organ <VNO>Jacobson-Organ {n}
med. bioartificial organbioartifizielles Organ {n}
congested organüberfülltes Organ {n}
biol. degenerated organdegeneriertes Organ {n}
admin. pol. executive organausführendes Organ {n}
law pol. highest organoberstes Organ {n}
anat. med. internal organinneres Organ {n}
zool. lyriform organlyraförmiges Organ {n}
zool. lyriform organlyriformes Organ {n}
zool. otolithic organotolithisches Organ {n}
zool. pseudostigmatic organpseudostigmatisches Organ {n}
biol. rudimentary organrudimentäres Organ {n}
sensible organempfindliches Organ {n}
anat. organ of Corti [Organon spirale]Corti'sches Organ {n}
comp. codingProgrammierung {f}
programmingProgrammierung {f}
biol. Jacobson's organ [Organon vomeronasale]Jacobson-Organ {n} [auch Vomeronasales Organ, Jacobsonsches Organ]
comp. algorithmic programmingalgorithmische Programmierung {f}
automatic codingrechnerunterstützte Programmierung {f}
automatic programmingautomatische Programmierung {f}
comp. complex programmingkomplexe Programmierung {f}
comp. computer programmingmaschinelle Programmierung {f}
comp. concurrent programmingnebenläufige Programmierung {f}
comp. declarative programmingdeklarative Programmierung {f}
comp. embedded programminghardwarenahe Programmierung {f}
comp. functional programmingfunktionale Programmierung {f}
loop codingzyklische Programmierung {f}
manual programmingmanuelle Programmierung {f}
mathematical programmingmathematische Programmierung {f}
modular programmingmodulare Programmierung {f}
optimum programmingoptimale Programmierung {f}
comp. parallel programmingparallele Programmierung {f}
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