Dictionary English German: October

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NOUN   an October | Octobers
SYNO   Oct | October
October <Oct.>
Oktober {m} <Okt.>
2 Words: Others
mid-October {adj} [attr.]Mitte Oktober [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
late OctoberSpätoktober {m}
October afternoonOktobernachmittag {m}
meteo. October airOktoberluft {f}
hist. pol. October crisis [also: October Crisis] [Cuban missile crisis]Oktoberkrise {f} [Kubakrise]
hist. pol. October Crisis [of 1970] [Canada]Oktoberkrise {f} [Kanada]
October dayOktobertag {m}
October daysOktobertage {pl}
October eveningOktoberabend {m}
meteo. October fogOktobernebel {m}
October lightOktoberlicht {n}
October morningOktobermorgen {m}
October nextkommender Oktober {m}
October nightOktobernacht {f}
October nightsOktobernächte {pl}
meteo. October rainOktoberregen {m}
hist. October RevolutionOktoberrevolution {f}
hist. October Revolution [1917]Oktoberumsturz {m}
astron. meteo. October skyOktoberhimmel {m}
meteo. October stormOktobersturm {m}
meteo. October sunOktobersonne {f}
pol. October surprise [Am.] [unexpected event or revelation in the final weeks prior to an election, especially a US presidential election]Oktober-Überraschung {f} [unerwartetes Ereignis oder überraschende Enthüllung in den letzten Wochen vor einer Wahl, insbesondere einer US-Präsidentschaftswahl]
hist. mil. October War [Yom Kippur War]Oktoberkrieg {m} [auch: Oktober-Krieg] [Jom-Kippur-Krieg]
meteo. October weatherOktoberwetter {n}
meteo. October windOktoberwind {m}
3 Words: Others
early in October {adv}Anfang Oktober
in early October {adv}Anfang Oktober
in late October {adv}im Spätoktober
in late October {adv}im späten Oktober
in late October {adv}spät im Oktober
in mid-October {adv}Mitte Oktober
late in October {adv}im Spätoktober
late in October {adv}im späten Oktober
late in October {adv}spät im Oktober
3 Words: Nouns
hist. law pol. (Prussian) October Edict [Oktober 9, 1807]Oktoberedikt {n} [9. Oktober 1807]
afternoon in OctoberOktobernachmittag {m}
day in OctoberOktobertag {m}
days in OctoberOktobertage {pl}
eighth of October8. Oktober {m}
half of OctoberOktoberhälfte {f}
month of OctoberMonat {m} Oktober
night in OctoberOktobernacht {f}
nights in OctoberOktobernächte {pl}
meteo. temperatures in OctoberOktobertemperaturen {pl}
meteo. temperatures in OctoberTemperaturen {pl} im Oktober
week in OctoberOktoberwoche {f}
weekend in OctoberOktoberwochenende {n}
weeks in OctoberOktoberwochen {pl}
5+ Words: Others
at the beginning of October {adv}Anfang Oktober
at the end of October {adv}Ende Oktober
in the first days of October {adv}in den ersten Oktobertagen
in the middle of October {adv}Mitte Oktober
EU Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market <EUTR>Verordnung (EU) Nr. 995/2010 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 20. Okt. 2010 über die Verpflichtungen von Marktteilnehmern, die Holz und Holzerzeugnisse in Verkehr bringen <HolzhandelsVO>
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. The Hague Convention (of 5 October 1961)Konvention {f} von Den Haag (vom 5. Oktober 1961)
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F The Hunt for Red October [film: John McTiernan, novel: Tom Clancy]Jagd auf Roter Oktober
film F The Return of October [Joseph H. Lewis]Ein Pferd namens October
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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