Dictionary English German: Northeast

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
ADJ   northeast | more northeast | most northeast
NOUN   northeast | -
SYNO   northeast | northeasterly ... 
northeast {adj} [wind]
geogr. meteo. naut. northeast <NE>
Nordost <NO> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel]
northeast <NE>
Nordosten {m} <NO>
2 Words: Others
north-northeast {adj}nordnordöstlich
geogr. Northeast Atlantic {adj}nordostatlantisch
geogr. Northeast Pacific {adj}nordostpazifisch
2 Words: Nouns
east-northeast <ENE>Ostnordost {m} <ONO>
east-northeast <ENE>Ostnordosten {m} <ONO>
north-northeast <NNE>Nordnordost {m} <NNO>
north-northeast <NNE>Nordnordosten {m} <NNO>
geogr. Northeast AtlanticNordostatlantik {m}
northeast cornerNordostecke {f}
geogr. Northeast EuropeNordosteuropa {n}
geogr. Northeast FranceNordostfrankreich {n}
geogr. Northeast IndiaNordostindien {n}
meteo. northeast monsoonNordostmonsun {m}
geogr. Northeast PacificNordostpazifik {m}
geogr. Northeast Passage <NEP>Nordostpassage {f}
climbing geogr. northeast ridgeNordostgrat {m}
northeast windNordost {m}
3 Words: Others
from the northeastaus Nordost
from the northeastaus / von Nordosten
northeast by east <NEbE, NE by E>Nordost zu Ost <NOzO>
northeast by north <NEbN, NE by N>Nordost zu Nord <NOzN>
to the northeast {adj} {adv}nach Nordosten
5+ Words: Others
to the north-east / northeast {adv}nordöstlich
to the north-east / northeast of {prep}nordöstlich [+Gen.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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