Dictionary English German: Moroccan Algerian

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

Keywords contained
geogr. pol. Algerian-Moroccan borderalgerisch-marokkanische Grenze {f}
geogr. pol. Moroccan-Algerian bordermarokkanisch-algerische Grenze {f}
geogr. Moroccan-Algerian border areamarokkanisch-algerisches Grenzgebiet {n}
Partial Matches
Moroccan {adj}marokkanisch
ethn. MoroccanMarokkaner {m}
ethn. Moroccan [female]Marokkanerin {f}
Algerian {adj}algerisch <alger.>
ethn. AlgerianAlgerier {m}
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ethn. Algerian [female]Algerierin {f}
ling. Algerian ArabicAlgerisch-Arabisch {n}
hist. Algerian WarAlgerienkrieg {m}
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Algerian-born Frenchmanin Algerien geborener Franzose {m}
Algerian-born Frenchwomanin Algerien geborene Französin {f}
geogr. pol. Algerian-Malian borderalgerisch-malische Grenze {f}
geogr. pol. Libyan-Algerian borderlibysch-algerische Grenze {f}
geogr. pol. Malian-Algerian bordermalisch-algerische Grenze {f}
geogr. pol. Tunisian-Algerian bordertunesisch-algerische Grenze {f}
curr. Moroccan dirham <MAD, Dh, د.م.>Marokkanischer Dirham {m} <MAD, Dh, د.م.>
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curr. Algerian dinar <DZD, DA, د.ج>Algerischer Dinar {m} <DZD, DA, د.ج>
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hist. pol. first Moroccan crisis [also known as the Tangier crisis, 1905 - 1906]Erste Marokkokrise {f} [1905 - 1906]
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