| English | German | |
– | |
| model {adj} [attr.] | 208 Modell- | |
Nouns |
| pattern | 1288 Modell {n} | |
| model | 330 Modell {n} | |
| mockup | 269 Modell {n} | |
| art sitter | 68 Modell {n} [im Atelier] | |
| prototype | 20 Modell {n} | |
| version | 20 Modell {n} | |
| art subject [artist's model] | 16 Modell {n} [eines Malers, Bildhauers] | |
| jobs mannequin | 12 Modell {n} [Mannequin] | |
| art artist's model | Modell {n} | |
| art jobs live model [usually clothed, a sitter] | Modell {n} [für einen Maler, Bildhauer] | |
| cloth. model (dress) | Modell {n} [Modellkleid] | |
| model number <model no.> | Modellnummer {f} <Modell-Nr.> | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| art to sit for sb. | jdm. Modell sitzen | |
| art to model for sb. | jdm. Modell stehen | |
| art photo. to pose [as model] | Modell sitzen | |
| art to act as a model | Modell sitzen | |
| art photo. to pose [as model] | Modell stehen | |
| to act as a model | Modell stehen | |
| art to pose for an artist | Modell stehen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| full-size model | 1:1-Modell {n} | |
| material 3D model | 3D-Modell {n} | |
| QM PDCA model [analyze, plan, do, check, act] [Deming circle] | A-PDCA-Modell {n} [analysieren, planen, durchführen, checken, anwenden] [Deming-Kreis] | |
| comm. publ. subscription model | Abo-Modell {n} [ugs.] | |
| comm. publ. subscription model | Abonnement-Modell {n} [auch: Abonnements-Modell, Abonnementsmodell] | |
| audio electr. ADSR model [Attack - Decay - Sustain - Release] | ADSR-Modell {n} | |
| analytic model | analytisches Modell {n} | |
| anatomical figure | anatomisches Modell {n} | |
| anat. anatomical model | anatomisches Modell {n} | |
| econ. Anglo-Saxon model | angelsächsisches Modell {n} | |
| response surface model <RSM> | Antwortflächen-Modell {n} | |
| jobs psych. sociol. attraction-selection-attrition model <ASA model> | ASA-Modell {n} | |
| audio binaural model | binaurales Modell {n} | |
| ecol. bioclimatic model | bioklimatisches Modell {n} | |
| fin. cash flow model | Cashflow-Modell {n} [auch: Cash-Flow-Modell] | |
| phys. Debye model | Debye-Modell {n} | |
| dent. fake teeth {pl} [display model of teeth] | Demo-Modell {n} [ugs., Kurzwort] [Zahnprothese] | |
| econ. sociol. stat. demographic model | demographisches Modell {n} | |
| comp. Internet Dexter model [architectural model for hypertexts and hypertext systems] | Dexter-Modell {n} [Architekturmodell für Hypertexte und Hypertextsysteme] | |
| comp. Internet domain model | Domain-Modell {n} | |
| phys. Drude model | Drude-Modell {n} | |
| QM EFQM model | EFQM-Modell {n} [Qualitätsmangementsystem] | |
| exponential model | exponentielles Modell {n} | |
| dent. frasaco / Frasaco® model [dental study model] | Frasaco-Modell® {n} [Übungsmodell, Demonstrationsmodell] | |
| tech. working model | funktionsfähiges Modell {n} | |
| graphical model | grafisches Modell {n} | |
| math. graph theoretic model [spv.] | graphentheoretisches Modell {n} | |
| math. graph theoretical model [spv.] | graphentheoretisches Modell {n} | |
| math. graph-theoretic model | graphentheoretisches Modell {n} | |
| math. graph-theoretical model | graphentheoretisches Modell {n} | |