Dictionary English German: Mathematik

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NOUN   die Mathematik | -
SYNO   Mathe [ugs.] | Mathematik ... 
educ. math. maths [esp. Br.]
Mathematik {f}
acad. educ. math. mathematics
Mathematik {f}
math. math [Am.]
Mathematik {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to understand mathematicsMathematik begreifen
acad. educ. math. to study mathematicsMathematik studieren
2 Words: Nouns
math. abstract mathematicsabstrakte Mathematik {f}
acad. educ. math. applied mathematics [treated as sg.]angewandte Mathematik {f}
hist. math. Babylonian mathematics [usually treated as sg.]babylonische Mathematik {f}
hist. Deutsche Mathematik [German mathematics]Deutsche Mathematik {f} [Nazi-Begriff]
math. discrete mathematics [treated as sg.]diskrete Mathematik {f}
elementary mathematics [usually treated as sg.]elementare Mathematik {f}
math. acad. experimental mathematicsexperimentelle Mathematik {f}
math. finite mathematics [treated as sg.]finite Mathematik {f}
math. higher mathematicshöhere Mathematik {f}
math. Indian mathematicsindische Mathematik {f}
acad. jobs math. mathematics educationalistMathematik-Didaktiker {m}
educ. math. Mathematical OlympiadMathematik-Olympiade {f}
math. numerical mathematicsnumerische Mathematik {f}
math. abstract mathematicsreine Mathematik {f}
math. pure mathematicsreine Mathematik {f}
3 Words: Others
clever at mathematics {adj}gut in Mathematik
bad at maths {adj} [Br.]schwach in Mathematik
3 Words: Nouns
fundamental mathematical conceptGrundbegriff {m} der Mathematik
math. basic knowledge {sg} of mathematicsGrundkenntnisse {pl} der Mathematik
elements of mathematicsGrundlagen {pl} der Mathematik
foundations of mathematicsGrundlagen {pl} der Mathematik
math. foundational crisis of mathematicsGrundlagenkrise {f} der Mathematik
math. maths skillsKenntnisse {pl} in Mathematik
acad. math. philos. philosophy of mathematicsPhilosophie {f} der Mathematik
4 Words: Others
idiom sth. is all Greek to sb.etw. ist höhere Mathematik für jdn.
math. according to higher mathematics {adv}nach der höheren Mathematik
4 Words: Nouns
educ. math. discrete and computational mathematicsdiskrete und computerorientierte Mathematik {f}
acad. educ. math. Lucasian Professorship of MathematicsLucasische Professur {f} für Mathematik [selten]
acad. educ. math. Lucasian Chair of MathematicsLucasischer Lehrstuhl {m} für Mathematik
5+ Words: Others
It is not rocket science! [idiom]Das ist keine höhere Mathematik [fig.]
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