Dictionary English German: Make up

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NOUN1   a make-up | make-ups
NOUN2   make-up [e.g. cosmetics] | -
SYNO   to make | to make up | to conciliate ... 
NOUN   das Make-up | die Make-ups
SYNO   Make-up | Schminke
SEE ALSO  makeup
cosmet. makeup [cosmetic]Make-up {n}
cosmet. maquillageMake-up {n}
cosmet. unmade-up {adj}ohne Make-up
to make (up) sth. [combine into]etw.Akk. bilden
to make sb. upjdn. schminken
to make sth. upsichDat. etw.Akk. ausdenken
to make sth. up [coll.]sichDat. etw.Akk. aus den Fingern saugen [ugs.] [fig.]
to make sth. up [coll.] [story, excuse etc.]etw.Akk. zusammenlügen [ugs.] [Geschichte, Ausrede usw.]
to make sth. up [correct]etw.Akk. ausmachen [z. B den Unterschied, die Qualität]
to make sth. up [fabricate, e.g. a story, a report]etw.Akk. türken [ugs.] [potenziell anstößig]
to make sth. up [invent (story, lie, etc.)]etw.Akk. erfinden [Geschichte, Lüge etc.]
to make uppacken [Paket]
print to make upumbrechen
to make upvervollständigen
to make upzurechtmachen
to make upzusammenbinden
to make upzusammenbringen
to make upzusammenstellen
mining to make up [drill]verschrauben [Bohrtechnik]
to make up [to become reconciled]sich versöhnen
cosmet. to make up sb. [also: to make sb. up] [apply cosmetics]jdn. schminken
to make up sth. [add]etw.Akk. ergänzen [vergrößern, komplettieren]
to make up sth. [also: to make sth. up] [constitute]etw.Akk. stellen [bilden]
to make up sth. [e.g. a story]sichDat. etw.Akk. ausdenken [erfinden]
to make up sth. [fabricate, e.g. a story, a report]etw.Akk. türken [ugs.] [potenziell anstößig]
to make up sth. [invent]etw.Akk. erdichten [ausdenken, erfinden]
cloth. to make up sth. [sew]etw.Akk. konfektionieren
cosmet. heavy makeup [Am.]starkes Make-up {n}
make-upAufmachung {f}
make-upAusstaffierung {f}
film theatre make-upMaske {f}
cosmet. make-upSchminke {f}
cosmet. make-upSchminken {n}
make-upStruktur {f}
print make-upUmbruch {m}
make-upVerfassung {f}
make-upZurechtmachen {n} [mit Kosmetik]
make-up [composition]Aufbau {m}
make-up [cosmetic]Makeup {n} [inoffiziell] [selten neben: Make-up]
cosmet. make-up [esp. Br.]Make-up {n}
cosmet. make-up [stuff]Schminkzeug {n} [ugs.]
cosmet. makeup adviceMake-up-Beratung {f}
cosmet. makeup swatchMake-up-Probe {f} [(kleiner) Farbentestauftrag auf der Haut, z. B. beim Kauf]
without make-up {adj}ungeschminkt
cosmet. to apply make-upsichAkk. schminken
cosmet. to apply some makeupetwas Make-up auftragen
to make oneself upsichAkk. schminken
to make sb. hurry upjdn. zur Eile treiben
to make sth. up to sb.etw. bei jdm. wiedergutmachen
to make up (for)aufholen
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