Dictionary English German: Mach

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SYNO   Ernst Mach | Mach
NOUN   das Mach | die Mach
Do it!Mach's! [ugs.]
phys. Mach
Mach {n}
inflow Mach numberAnströmmachzahl {f}
phys. Mach coneMachkegel {m}
phys. Mach waveMachwelle {f}
phys. Mach number <M, Ma, Mn>Machzahl {f} <Ma>
2 Words: Others
(Lie) down! [dog command](Mach) Platz! [Hundekommando]
idiom Go for it. [Am.] [sl.]Dann mach.
Drop it! [dog command]Mach aus! [Hundekommando] [Abgeben von Gegenständen oder Fressbarem]
Hurry up!Mach dalli! [ugs.]
Make it snappy! [coll.]Mach dalli! [ugs.]
Get a move on!Mach dalli! [ugs.]
You do that.Mach das. [die vom Gegenüber geäußerte Absicht bestätigend]
Make it snappy! [coll.]Mach fix! [ugs.]
Hurry up!Mach gschwind! [ugs.] [z. B. südd.]
Go spit in your socks! [coll.] [idiom]Mach hin! [regional] [Mach schnell!]
Hurry up!Mach hin! [ugs.] [regional]
Look alive! [coll.]Mach hin! [ugs.] [regional] [Beeil dich!]
Hurry up!Mach hinne! [ugs.]
I will.Mach ich.
Slow down.Mach langsamer! [ugs.]
idiom Be a sport!Mach mit!
Come on in!Mach mit!
Make way!Mach Platz!
idiom Tell me about it!Mach Sachen!
Buck up! [Make haste!]Mach schnell!
Hurry up!Mach schnell!
Make it quick!Mach schnell!
Shake a leg! [coll.]Mach schnell!
Look sharp! [coll.]Mach schnell! [ugs.]
mil. Look alive!Mach schneller!
Go ahead! <GA>Mach schon!
Come on! [coll.]Mach schon! [ugs.]
Hurry up!Mach schon! [ugs.] [Beeil dich!]
Sit! [dog command]Mach Sitz! [Hundekommando]
idiom Get on with it!Mach weiter!
Hurry up!Mach zu! [nordd., bes. Hamburg]
So long! [Am.]Mach's gut!
Take care!Mach's gut!
Take it easy! [Goodbye!]Mach's gut!
Cheerio! [Br.] [coll.]Mach's gut! [ugs.]
Cheers! [chiefly Br.] [coll.]Mach's gut! [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
phys. Mach coneMach-Kegel {m}
phys. unit Mach number <M, Ma, Mn>Mach-Zahl {f} <Ma>
phys. Mach bandsMach'sche Streifen {pl}
phys. Mach coneMach'scher Kegel {m}
phys. Mach bandsmachsche Streifen {pl}
phys. Mach conemachscher Kegel {m}
3 Words: Others
idiom Yes, go ahead.Ja, mach nur.
Go away! [Don't bother me, I want to be left alone!]Mach 'ne Fliege! [ugs.] [fig.]
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